BuckinghamNicks One Shot|| Wait For You

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"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" His voice was harsh, anger rising from the back of his throat as he stormed into the recording studio, the door slamming behind him. The only woman who could cause him such anger spun around on the chair she was sat in, an eyebrow raised as though to say "who do you think you're talking to?". 

"Excuse me?" Stevie Nicks smirked, placing her hand on her chest as though she was offended, she loved to mock this man. She wouldn't even call him a man anymore, not with the way he had been recently. Ever since Fleetwood Mac had ended their world tour he had been going on and on about how she wasn't committed to the band anymore. That she was obsessing over her latest album release. The very same man who had the cheek to leave the band years ago, yet, he really thought that was okay? 

"You've got some nerve to come here, don't you think?" Lindsey spat as he walked over to the mixing desk. He pushed down all the faders, to stop the song that was playing through the speakers. The song that was playing was one of the new songs for the new Fleetwood Mac album- the album Stevie had stated she wasn't going to contribute to due to commitments to her own album and tour. 

"Well, I was actually invited to hear the new tracks by Mick...NOT that I need to even justify myself to you." Stevie rolled her eyes as she leaned over the desk, her arm reaching out to push the faders back up. Lindsey bit his bottom lip while he shook his head before pressing the mute-all button, along with a few other buttons that he knew Stevie couldn't operate. The track stopped once again and Stevie stood up, fury in her eyes. 

"Will you go away Buckingham, I'm not here to see you or fight with you. I'm here to see Mick and to hear how the new album is going without me." 

Lindsey chuckled, "What, do you think we can't manage to make an album without you? Is that was this is? You think you can come in here and make decisions? You can't make any, you made it very clear that you were not interested in making a new Fleetwood Mac album so don't even think you have a right to be a critic towards these songs, christ!" 

"Oh, you've read my interview then... how flattering!" Stevie spoke as she stood in front of him, her hands curled up into fists, arms draped by her sides. 

"Don't glorify yourself too much now, Nicks." Lindsey spoke, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared down at her. 

"Oh, I won't. I mean, I can hardly get a chance to 'glorify' myself without you telling me I'm a terrible, selfish person!" 

Lindsey placed his hands on his forehead while he sighed deeply. 

"Just go." 

"I will not." Her back hurt as she stood up as tall as she could, she wasn't one to back down.

"Mick isn't even here for fucks sake!" Lindsey held his arms out, emphasising how empty the studio was. 

"I'm going to sit down on this chair until you show me those songs." 

Lindsey laughed, turning around to walk towards the reel-to-reel tape machine, it had the recordings of the new songs in it. He pulled out the reel, placing it into it's box before holding it under his arm. He checked over the mixing desk, making sure he hadn't forgotten to turn anything off. Once he was satisfied he walked into the live room, packing his guitar in it's case, he had come in to add a couple of little riffs to the new songs but there was no way he was going to do that now. 

"Bye." he spoke as he walked back into the main room, he pulled on the sound proof door to open it, not a care in the world that Stevie had started to speak again as he walked out into the corridor. 

"Don't be like this!" Stevie exclaimed as she followed him out the door to walk down the corridor behind him. He was taking long strides, his jaw clenching as he tried to ignore her footsteps trailing behind him. He was going to say something he'd regret, he just knew it.

BuckinghamNicks One Shot|| Wait For YouWhere stories live. Discover now