Love Is Here To Stay

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Lindsey walked awkwardly into her sitting room, the ache shooting up his spine was increasingly becoming a concern to him. Good heath was a major thing for him, he was forever testing out the latest products that would enhance his life, from organic whole foods to youth restoring serums for his skin.

"Gosh, Linds look at you... you've really done something. Please- I know you're stubborn and there's a certain dislike in the air between us but I still care for you regardless." Stevie fussed as she placed some cushions down on the large Persian rug that sprawled out in front of her fireplace.

Lindsey rolled his eyes, he hated it when people fussed over him.

"Look I'll be fi-ahh, shit..." Lindsey winced as his back went, his knees buckled and he found himself gripping the arm of a sofa to prop himself up. His jaw clenched, his eyes closing as he breathed in and out deeply through his nose.

"Lay down." Stevie demanded, her voice stern as she stood with her feet together, pointing down at the cushions on the floor.

Lindsey groaned, standing back up as he arched his back.

"Fine." he muttered as he walked over to the fireplace. He crouched down until he was on all fours, gently pressing his chest down on the Persian rug, his face coming into contact with the cushions. He turned his face, resting on his cheek as he stared at the unlit fireplace. It looked like it hadn't been lit for a long time, for it was impeccably clean.

"I'll be back in a minute, do you want a glass of water... maybe even something harder?"

"You got Gin and Tonic? Dash of Lime and some ice?"

"Oh yeah, sure...just you let me fetch my bloody barman, Lindsey. Jesus." Stevie rolled her eyes as she walked out of the room.

"You fucking asked me if I wanted something stronger, I only responded in the way you would expect so don't get sarcastic with me...christ..." he shook his head, rolling over until he was laid down on his back. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to stay. A part of him felt unappreciated after what had just happened. He didn't understand her mood swing, then again, when did he ever?

Lindsey's words echoed through her home as she walked down to the kitchen. instantly, an uneasiness overcame her. Being alone as she searched for a couple of tall glasses to make up some drinks was unnerving. Biting down on her bottom lip, she breathed lightly so that she could hear every sound the house made. She heard Lindsey groaning in pain, the sound of the wind picking up outside. It wasn't until she was spilling the bottle of gin over the worktop that she realised her hand was shaking. She placed the bottle down on the counter, her hands instantly covering her face as she tried to calm herself down.

What had occurred that night, was still sinking in and she was letting her emotions get the better of her now that she wasn't in the presence of Lindsey. He had no idea how grateful she was that he offered to stay. As much as she disliked to admit it, he was her hero, her protector. She would never let him know that though. There was too much water under the bridge between them to be sharing thoughts like that, it only added more confusion their relationship, if that was at all, possible.

"Found your barman yet?" Lindsey shouted through. He lay, staring at the ceiling as he awaited the abuse from his former flame.

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