Chapter One

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"Guys, come on, you know I'll never forget you. You are my best friends. I promise to message you everyday" I said to a group of my friends with tear filled eyes.

"God Lea, I know I'm suppose to be happy for you, but saying goodbye to you has to be the hardest thing I've ever done" My best friend said as she sobbed on my shoulder. Seeing her in such a state was devastating, her make-up that is usually perfect was now smudged, her red hair was in a tangled mess and her big emerald eyes were small and puffy.

"Aud, don't worry, time will fly pass and before you know it I'll be back spending winter break with you" I stroked her thick hair, trying reassuring her, but I didn't even sound convincing enough to make myself believe it, I knew time would drag until I get to see my best friend again.

I said goodbye to rest of my friends soaking each of their shoulders with tears during the process, and before I knew it, it was time for them to leave . My heart sank as I watched all of them wave as they drove down my street, this would be last time in a while that I got to spend time with all of them, I shut my eyes and tried to remember why I even accepted the scholarship to FOTUA in the first place, I mean I'd be leaving my whole life, moving across the world, I'd be all alone in a new country not knowing a single face, even though attending this school was one of my biggest dreams. I was actually starting to rethink my decision of leaving. I stood in my driveway with all my thoughts flooding and tears streaming down my face. My mom was the one who broke my thoughts

"Leandra, honey, have you got everything? Dad wants to leave soon"

I just nodded, heading back inside to make double sure. When I got into my room it looked completely different, the posters on my walls were all taken down, my wardrobe was empty and my mirror looked so naked without all the photo's of my friends and I. I went down to my bed and just sat on it, remembering all the great memories made in this room, all my sleepovers with Audrey, all my movie nights with Calum all the times I spend here blasting my music as loud as possible or the times my sisters and I would try on different clothes and dance around the room like we were in some music video . Damn I thought, I was really going to miss this haven of mine.

"Lea, pumpkin, have you got everything?" My dad asked. He was trying to look happy but his eyes were as sad as tree with no leaves.

"Yes Daddy, I doubled checked" I said with a fake smile.

"Okay, I'll just get your luggage and then we will be off"

I just nodded and he left taking two of my bags, I took the rest and headed downstairs to where my sisters and my mom were standing. They all looked at me with sad eyes. But non of them saying a word.

Once my bags were all packed and all of us were in the car, my dad began to drive away. I got one last look at my house and all the amazing times spent there came pouring in, I grew up in this house. My parents moved in 20 years ago when my mom was still pregnant with Serena. Watching the house get smaller and smaller as we drove away really broke my heart.

The car ride was completely silent. No one said a thing. Occasionally I would catch my sister Alyssa's tears rolling down, but she would just wipe them away.

When we finally reached the airport my Mom checked my luggage in while my dad got for all us Coffee.

"Are you sure you want to leave Lea?" Serena asked

"Yes I'm sure, this is what I've always wanted, I just never knew it would be so hard" I said as I began to cry in her shoulder. She is the oldest and is almost complete with her studies of Finance at University of Sydney. She is extremely intelligent. Even though we have a 5 year age gap. We are really close.

"You don't have to go, its not too late to cancel, Mom can just make a few calls and you can stay here"

Alyssa then added. She is a senior in High school, the second oldest. She is also first her grade. Extreme brain. We are more closer then Serena and I, I think its just because she is just 3 years older than me.

"No guys, this is what I want. Its a great opportunity" I said.

They just nodded and we continued to sit huddled up next to each other.

After my bags were checked in and my dad got back with our coffee's it was time for my flight to take off. Serena was the first to say goodbye

"Lea,I cannot believe you are going, I'm going to miss you so much kid! You are going to skype me everyday and we are going to talk all the time. Okay!" She hugged me crying softly. I hugged her back tightly just nodding.

"Lea, you go and rock London, I'll see you soon, don't forget to talk to me everyday about the hot british guys there and.. " Alyssa said but then began to cry so just hugged me and went to stand next to Serena.

"Pumpkin, I'm so proud of you for doing what you love, you will never know how happy I am for you, I wish you could stay here with the family, but if would be selfish of us to keep you here when you have such a bright future ahead of you" my dad said with tears rolling from his eyes. I broke down crying and kissed him telling him how much I loved him

My mom was next, she looked over at me and wiped the tears off my face with her thumb " Leandra, honey, I cannot believe I'm sending my little girl to a whole other country all by herself, I wish I could've came with you to help to settle in, but don't worry, we will see you very soon. I love you so much, and I'm so proud of you for getting into this school" she said kissing my forehead, I thanked her and told her I loved her about 100 times before it was time for me to leave. I hugged and told all of them I loved them and said my final goodbyes before walking off to my check in gate. I watched my family waved and scream goodbye with tears pouring out there eyes and before I knew it I was on the plane preparing myself for my 22 hour long flight I had awaiting.

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