Chapter 1: Alone

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Chapter 1: Alone

Ok, here is my 1D fanfiction. It's probably not good, but I love Animal Attraction by thatkidbex, so I was inspired to write a Narry fanfic. @thatkidbex, I gave a small summary of Animal Attraction, but I credited you. There might be a bit of Zouis or Ziam, but I'm not sure yet. I will be updating a lot because I have mild insomnia. That means not being able to sleep at night. It's a serious condition, and you can't sleep without pills, depending on how bad it is. Mine isn't that bad but you don't wan't to hear my life story, so without further ado, I give you, Narry Storan.

Chapter 1: Alone

Niall POV

I blinked awake and streched. My hands reached across the bed, searching for Harry's warm body, but the other side of the bed was cold. I bolted upright. Where would Harry be at-I checked the clock- 8:00 AM? And why would he even be awake? Harry is not a morning person. I slipped out of the bed and walked to the kitchen. There was a warm plate of chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs and strawberries on the table. I noticed a glass of passion fruit juice next to it, and I knew Harry had made me breakfast. I picked up the glass and took a sip, but I noticed a note underneath it. It was hastily written in Harry's handwriting.


Good morning baby! I hope you enjoy your breakfast! I'm out Christmas shopping with Zayn and Liam, and I'm getting yours, so that's why you can't come. Mwahahaha! Just kidding love. I should be home by ten or eleven. I love you! Oh and Louis is sick, so don't swing by his place like you were going to.  


I had almost forgotten that it was almost Christmas! I still need to buy Harry a gift. He is such a sweet boyfriend. I miss him. I pulled out my phone.

To: Harry  

From: Niall 

hazz i miss u come home xoxo 

Sent at 8:12 AM

I sent the text, hoping he would answer soon.

To: Niall 

From: Harry 

Ni, im buying ur present. U hav 2 wait. Luv u xoxo 

Recieved at 8:14 AM

I sighed and sat down at the table. I ate the delicious breakfast Harry made and opened wattpad. I searched 1D fanfiction and I was shocked at how many posts there were. I opened the first one out of curiosity. It was called "Animal Attraction" by thatkidbex. It was a strange story about a drunk Harry wishing that his cat Nialler was a person. Then it comes true and Nialler, or I guess I, falls in love with Harry. Well, it's impossible not to! I was straight as a ruler until I met Harry. Then I became silly putty in his hands. Oh god. That's one long fanfiction! Let's keep reading. The minutes inch by as I wait for Harry. I'm not the only one waiting for Harry. Nialler Kitty is wating for Harry to come back to the tent while camping. I am jolted out of the fanfiction world by a sharp rap at the door.

"Niall! Open up! It's ten degrees out here!" Zayn shouts. I sighed and unlocked the front door.

"Thank you, Niall." Liam says politely.

Harry follows them in and pecks me on the cheek. "Did you like your breakfast?" Harry asked.

"Of course, Harry! You had my totes fav juice!" I said, mocking the sound of a thirteen year old girl. Harry chuckled and kissed me again. God I love him.

(A/N): Do you like it so far? Please comment if you liked it! I worked really hard on it, so please no hate! @thatkidbex you are an awesome writer! I talked a bit about Animal Attraction, but I credited you! Love you guys! Keep calm and fangirl on!  -Kat

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