Chapter 4: Shopping with Zayn

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Chapter 4: Shopping with Zayn

Zayn pulled up to Home Depot. "What are we doing here, Niall?" he asked.

"You know how Harry has always wanted a weiner dog?" I said.

"Oh my God! You're getting him a puppy?!" Zayn was freaking out.

"So right now, we need to get lumber to make a dog house. But we are going to need Louis to help build it." I replied.

"Okay!" We walked into Home Depot and up to one of the employees. His name tag read Hello, I'm Bob. May I be of assistance?

"Where do you keep your lumber?" Zayn asked.

"It's in Aisle 5. But aren't you boys from One Direction? My twin daughters love you guys. Do you mind if I took a picture?" Zayn glanced at me uneasily. I nodded slightly.

"Sure," Zayn said.

Bob pulled out one of those really old cameras that prints out the photo right away and took a picture. "Also, would you mind signing this picture for my girls? Sierra is battling luekemia, and Allie and I have been working a lot to pay for treatment. Every day they wake up and smile, because of the big poster they have of you. Thank you for helping my girls. They really adore you."

Zayn's face was wet from this man's story. "Of course..." He handed us the picture and a Sharpie.

Dear Allie and Sierra,

We met your father at Home Depot today, and he told us about Sierra's luekemia and how you and your father work so hard to support her. He asked us for a picture and we agreed. Always nice to meet a fan. We hope that we helped you!

Zayn Malik
Niall Horan

I put two hundred pound notes on top of the photo and handed it back to the man. His eyes widened and he said,"I can't accept this. This is your money, I can't take it." he put the money back into my hand.

"No, please take it. We are rich, and we won't miss two hundred pounds. Please take it." I said.

He looked at Zayn who said, "He's right, sir. Please take it."

The man sighed in defeat and said, "Alright, I'll take it,  but only because you boys are so kind. Thank you. I can't tell you how excited my girls will be."

"What type of wood would be best for making a doghouse?" Zayn asked.

"Well, I would have to go with cedar or pine. It would be cheaper and more conveinient to buy an assembled one, though."

"We thought about that, but Niall thought it would be fun to build it." Zayn replied. Bob showed us to Aisle 5 and helped us select the wood.

"Just call the store if you need help with measuring or assembling. We are always happy to help."

"Thank you sir!" I said, and Zayn nodded. We walked up to the self check out and bagged the wood.

We got to the car and Zayn said, "Where to next?"

"Petsmart. We need to get food, a collar, a brush, and any other dog stuff." Zayn turned the radio up, and we sang along loudly and obnoxiously. "You show the lights that stop me, turn to sto-o-one. You shine it when I'm alo-one. And so I tell myself that I'll be stro-ong and dreaming when they're gone. Lights, lights, lights, li-i-i-ights. Lights, lights, lights, li-i-i-ights!" Zayn and I burst out laughing. The car swerves left a bit and I yell, "ZAYN! Eyes on the road!" which makes him laugh even more. I roll my eyes, resisting the urge to slap him. We finally got to Petsmart. We walked in, and a girl maybe thirteen freaks out, but silently. It's like she knows its us, but she doesn't want to draw attention to us. Confusing, because most fans are screaming when they see us.

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