Chapter 2: Harry and the Tree

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Chapter 2: Harry and the tree

Harry and I sat on the couch and turned on netflix. "Niall, what do you want to watch?" he asked softly, kissing my hair.

"This is going to sound really weird, but I have a secret obsession with Doctor Who..." I said, looking away.

"I'm not the only one?" he asked incredulously.

"Wait, Hazz, you like Who?" I was stunned.

"Yeah, I'm the world's most obsessive Whovian." he smiled. Harry put on The Eleventh Hour, but I wasn't paying much attention. Harry was stroking my hair, and I didn't want to focus on anything but that. I think he could tell I was zoned out, because he turned the TV off and turned towards me. He smiled and caressed my head. Harry leaned in and kissed my hair, and snaked his arms around my waist. I looked up, and met his lips with mine.

"You know what, Ni?" he asked, breaking away from the kiss. "It's December 14 and we don't have a tree yet!" He stood up and pulled me up.

"But, Harry!" I whined. "I was comfy on the couch!"

"Yes, well now you can be very comfy in the car." He walked into the kitchen and grabbed his phone and wallet. "Come on, Ni!" he whined. "There won't be any trees left if you don't hurry up!"

I sighed and pulled on my Vans. "Fine, Harry. Let's go! Race you to the car!" We ran out the door of the secret house we as a band owned. 

Harry caught up to me at the last second, and he beat me. He hugged me and we got into the car. We drove to the hardware store and asked where the tree lot was. He pointed us over to the parking lot. Harry grabbed my hand and half dragged me over. It started to snow. Harry grinned. "Where's your best trees?" Harry asked the man examining a tree.

"Over here. Follow me." the tree cutter replied. The snow was getting heavier, coating the trees and making them even more beautiful. Harry leaned over and whispered in my ear,

"You look sexy with snow in your hair." I blushed furiously. Harry could always make me blush. I looked over at the trees and I noticed one that stood out. It was eight feet tall, topped with snow and had the most perfect branches ever.

"I want this one, Hazz." 

(A/N): I'm so sorry the chapters disappeared. I finally found them so they will be up! Did you like it? Leave a comment and vote peeps! -Kat

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