Not Your Average Rapunzel

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Here goes nothing...


"Good morning your Highness"  I tried to say. She just brushed past  me, again. My seven year old self didn't understand why she hated me so much, or where father was. Whenever I asked she wouldn't reply. By now, I had grown to hate her like she hated me.

'Today,' I thought,

'I will confront her.' So that's what I did. I got up, walked over to the room in which she usually takes her breakfast, and asked the question that was on my mind since father went away.

"Why do you hate me?" I tried to sound mean, but instead I sounded like a weak little girl. That was probably because I was one.

"I hate you?" She looked at me quizzically. "Since when did I hate you?"

"Since when father went away. You hate me mother. You don't say 'good morning, darling' anymore, you never help me pick out a dress, You leave me alone all the time, keep me from knowing where father is,  and you never, ever give me a single thought. NEVER!" Tears streaming down my face, I stomped my foot and walked out.

"Angelica, wait."

I ignored her.

"Angelica, come back"

I kept walking.


I turned around. My mature seven year old brain knew enough not to cross mother.

"Yes?" I sweetly asked as I walked back into the room.

"I do not hate you. I am a very busy person."

"Really mo-" I started to say.

"No speaking" she inturrupted. "I don't hate you, but it seems as though you hate me. I know that you are quite smart, you have an I.Q of a genius and you are only seven. I also am aware that you have been taught how to cook, sew, paint, write, and read by some of the servants. Due to this, I think you can survive on your own. So I am going to send you somewhere. Don't worry, it is nearby, and you will be supplied with food and such as you wish, but you will be on your own except for a maid, who will live downstairs and you will never see her face, only her hands."

She had kneeled down so we were face to face, and she was looking into my eyes.

"I refuse to go to prison." I spat at her, thinking that was this place she was sending me.

"No, not prison. The Wellfare Tower"

The Wellfare was a huge tower that had been abandoned years ago. there was a room at the very top and a room at the very bottom, and stairs in between. It was a beautiful place, but very hidden between the trees.

"Why there?" I asked, nervous.

"Because I need you out of my way, This kingdom shall be mine, with nobody, especially not a girl who can take back her power, standing in my way. Go pack. Now."

Her cold voice and cruel words brought tears to my eyes, but I blinked them away and briskly walked out. 'If she wants me to leave, then fine, I'll leave', I thought.. I knew she couldnt control me when I turned eighteen anyways.

The next day, I was sent away. She told the kingdom I had been killed in a tragic horse accident - But I knew better.

That was nine years ago. I know now I never should have confronted her, never should have yelled in her face, never stomped my small foot and walked out. Maybe If I hadn't, I didn't have to die this way.

"Anything to say?" yelled the executioner, more to the crowd than to me. I did, actually, have something to say, but I bit my tounge. I didn't want my last words to be as hopeless as...

Wait, wait wait. You're confused, I can tell. I guess I should begin about a year and a half ago, when all of this really started...


December 25, 2012

9:00 AM

Dearest Diary,

The whole kingdom of Diviniter are celebrating Christmas. People dance in the streets, music can even be heard through the thick walls of my tower. Children sang and bells were ringing.

I, however, am alone - as usual.

I walk from my bed to  my window, (Not a very long distance) The mirror next to my bed provides a glimpse of the tattered girl I am now. My once shoulder-length brown hair was now down to the midddle of my back, and my once bright blue eyes had a dull to their shine.

Note to self; cut hair. And be happier.

It was just starting to snow, but I open the window anyways. The noise keeps me from going insane. Opening the pantry, The apple pie I had baked last night decides to make an appearance. I take a deep breath, smelling the sweet sugary breakfast.


Now, I do what I do every Christmas morning. I cut myself a peice of pie, sit down next to my window, and watch. The civilians of Diviniter have no idea I was up here, they figured this tower was used for the servants of Her Majesty or was simply abandoned. I never minded it much, however, because if they knew I could see them there was a chance they would act differently.

Diviniter is always happier on Christmas. Sometimes, I wish i could be with them. Remember Christmas when father was here? He would put me to bed every night, and in the morning there would be presents under the tree and in my stockings, and mother would smile, and I would greet the kingdom and they would clap for me.

They used to clap for me...

Ah yes, mother. For a second I forgot about the bitch. Where is she?

That's strange.. she isn't out on the balcony, I don't see her kissing some random douche either..

Note to self; Thank Teresa for smuggling these amazing binoculars...and find mother - and hopefully before she fucks this kingdom up.



Question, does the italics bother you guys? It's supposed to be what she's writing, and the non italics are her actions, but i could switch it if you find it annoying. Comment for me?

Chapter one. .. Finally! Okay the updates will now be once a week,  at least every wednesday if not more. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2014 ⏰

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