Chapter #11 Heart Pumping

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The next day I woke up to a quite house, later I found out that Mum, Jackie and Bella had gone on a ride to check the fences before school, Josh was shoeing the horses and Bianca and Jake had stayed at the cottage. So for once it was dead quite in the house, it was actually kind of eerie. All throughout the morning I kept jumping every time I heard a sound, I hated this silence, it gave me the creeps. It was then, while I was in the middle of eating breakfast that I remembered that today was Sunday, not Monday, therefore there was no school, which means that I won't see Sam today! Ok that sounded desperate, what I mean is, I will not be able to get an answer about the job offer I gave to him. Yeah that sounds better. I thought to myself while I chewed my toast. So how was Jake going to get back? I wondered, I could do double back but I'm not sure if he can ride. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door, glancing at the time I realised it was already eight. I didn't even stop to think about who would be at the door so I didn't bother to tame my now naturally red mess of hair or change out of my short shorts and baggy shirt that is so big it covers my shorts. Opening the door I instantly realised my mistake, there standing on the porch was Sam with clean but worn jeans matched with a washed out button up shirt along with his old dusty hat that covered his mop if shaggy brown hair. I shrieked and slammed the door before running back to my room call out as I went. "I just realised that my goat is in my room, be right back!" Totally believable right?

Dashing up the stairs and into my room I quickly slammed the door shut and yanked off my clothes while attempting to run a brush through my birds nest. Once my hair was finally tame I grabbed the first pair of jeans that came in sight before I grabbed a dark blue wool turtleneck. Taking a quick glance in the mirror I gave a quick nod to myself, took a deep breath and let it out before racing back down the stairs and opening the door. "Sorry about that! Wh- uh how are you?" I asked breathlessly, he chuckled and did a quick glance over my outfit,

"Did your goat eat your clothes too?" Was all he asked with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"I dislike you so very much right now." I glared at him before stalking over to his horse that was loosely tied the railing of the porch.

He was a beautiful quarter horse, I gently stroked his neck and glanced back at Sam, "What's his name?"

"Radial." He said coming over to stand on the other side of Radial,

"He's beautiful!" I said in awe, he was a good height, had good meat on him, a nice strong neck he was amazing.

"Thanks, I picked him up as a stay one time when I was out mustering, two years later and here we are. He's come a long way, haven't you boy." He said the last bit to his horse who nuzzled Sam's shoulder.

I giggled, "That's so cute."

He glanced over at me, "Not as cute as you." He said and tapped me on the nose.

I blushed, "Now, where is the little rascal that I've come to collect?" He asked referring to Jake.

"I think he's down at the cottage." I said,

"Well lead the way." He mockingly bowed slightly forward and held his arm in the direction of the shed, not the cottage.

"This way you dummy!" I laughed and linked arms with him before walking off in the opposite direction he pointed at.

Soon enough we were at the cottage, I opened the front door and walked in, "Jake! It's time to go home." Called Sam and I sent him a glare, doesn't the idiot know that that will never work?

"Bianca I've got a special treat that has Bucky's name on it and if you don't come out from where your hiding...I guess I'll give it to Bella and she can feed Bucky." I called walking through the small house. Soon enough I heard her feet stomping as she ran through the house,

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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