Heartbreaker (Justin Bieber Fanfiction)

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-Your P.O.V.-

He's a player. He's a heartbreaker. He played with my heart. He cheated on me. He lied to me. He said he said he loved me and only me. What a lie.

I'm (YN) (YLN) and I'm 19 years old. Single and heartbroken. My friends have always been there for me, the same as Ryan and Chaz has. They both were a shoulder to cry on for me. I finally found out that my ex-boyfriend of 2 and a half years was cheating on me. He broke my heart. He's my heartbreaker and yet he told me that I cheated on him. I haven't even been with another guy except Ryan and Chaz and they're both dating my friends, Brooke and Katie. I fell in love with him. I knew he was bad and I knew he was a player and a heartbreaker, yet I was addicted to him. He was like a drug that I couldn't shake off. Now I wish that I would have listened to people. I'm just a normal girl and he's a singer who wants to be normal. He goes to school, the same school as me. His locker is next to mine and it's hard even looking at him. I was now in school, at my locker talking to Brooke.

Brooke:Well, it looks like Justin's got a new girlfriend

Me:He'll break up with her soon

I said as I looked away. Me and Justin dated for 2 and a half years and they were the best. That was until we got into our 2 year relationship where everything changed. He changed and I miss the old Justin. Not the new Justin.

Brooke:Ryan and Chaz said that he still thinks about you

Me:I doubt that every much. If he did then he wouldn't be making out with another girl right now. He'll date her, then have sex with her and then that's it. He'll break her heart. Like how he did with mine

I shut my locker as we both walked off to class. Passing Justin and his so called 'new girlfriend'. I shook my head and continued walking. Me and Brooke walked into class as we both sat down. Katie doesn't have English with us, seeming she's got Maths and she get's to stay with Ryan and Chaz. One problem is that Justin is in this class and he annoys me most of the time.

Mrs Gomez:Alright class, turn to page 28-

Then the door opened to reveal him. I heard Mrs Gomez sigh.

Mrs Gomez:Justin, you're late...yet again

Justin:Sorry. Won't happen again

A lie. It will. I saw him look at me as he winked. I made a glare at him as he sat behind me.

Brooke:Just ignore him

I heard Brooke whisper to me. I nodded my head knowing this will be a long class.

-20 minutes into class-

Justin kept throwing notes at me. Some where asking why I'm ignoring him or why I haven't replied to his texts. I just rip them up and hand them back to him. Then I got one note that read 'Meet me after this class. I know you've got a free lesson' I let out a low sigh. I didn't know what to do with the note. I wrote on it 'Not going to happen' I handed it back to him as I continued with my work.

-After class-

I was walking down the hall to go to my locker and put my things away. That was until my locker got slammed. I turned and saw him.

Me:What do you want?

Justin:To talk to you

Me:Why? Are you going to tell me who your new girlfriend is? Why don't you just leave me alone?

Justin:That won't happen

I raised an eyebrow at him.

Me:I want to know why you cheated on me. Why didn't you tell me that you didn't love me anymore? You should have just came out with it. Instead of telling Ryan and Chaz, until they told me. You're a heartbreaker and a player. You broke my heart in two. You didn't even ask them how I was. You were too busy having sex with a girl, who you don't even know

I took a deep breath in and out as I looked down.

Me:I loved you. Yet, it looks like you didn't

I walked away from him, leaving him here, speechless. It had to be said. He had to know. That's how I felt.

-Justin's P.O.V.-

She's changed. She's become more confident. She's still heartbroken. I could see it in her eyes that she was. I can't believe I cheated on her. I broke her heart. I ran my fingers through my hair before I punched the locker hard. I'm still glad that my locker is still near her's. I thought she would have told them to change her locker. I saw Ryan and Chaz as they both looked at me.



Chaz:What Ryan said

I let out a slight chuckle as they kept looking at me.

Ryan:What were you saying to (YN)?

Me:I wanted to talk to her but she talked instead. Does she really hate me?

Chaz:Want the truth?


Chaz:She does

Me:C'mon, no she doesn't

Ryan:Yes, she does. Katie and Brooke know she does. She was scared to tell you that she wanted to break up with you. After she found out, she wouldn't want to be with you. She was heartbroken and when she broke up, it was like you were fine with it. You went on a rebound quick and had sex with a girl

Me:No I didn't

Ryan:Yes you did. You said she cheated on you, when she never did. She would always be yours and yet you wern't. What about the times when she needed you the most? You wern't there for her. Her parents had to go on a business trip and she didn't know what to do. Me,Chaz,Katie and Brooke where the ones who were there for her. You need to think about that

After Ryan said that , they both walked away. I let out a sigh as I grabbed my phone from my pocket. I scrolled down the pics of me and (YN). She was happy and so was I. All the smiles, all the laughs, all the kisses, all the hugs and then it came down to me cheating on her. I went on twitter and checked (YN)'s twitter. I saw a tweet she did about 10 minutes ago.

@YourTwitterUsername I don't think I could ever forgive you. I should have listened to the people who told me you were a player and a heartbreaker....</3

Now I feel bad. I saw a new tweet come through which read "@YourTwitterUsername @justinbieber I loved you like crazy and you didn't show it to me enough. What about our 2nd anniverssary. Where were you?" My heart began to ache as I read it. I wish I didn't cheat now. I sent a tweet to her.

@justinbieber @YourTwitterUsername I tried too but you were so damn perfect. I felt like I wern't good enough for you. I'm sorry for hurting you. I really am. I wish we could sort this out

I pressed send. Tweets began to flood in. Some of my beliebers are still mad at me for cheating on (YN). They loved her and some wish me and her were married. I saw that she retweeted it. I half smiled as I saw her post a pic of a pic which read 'You're my heartbreaker'. I will win her back. I will regain her trust again. I don't care how long it takes. I'll make sure she mine and I'll make sure that no other guy has her.

Heartbreaker // Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now