The Umbrella Cage

201 10 13

[Super Star AU: my original au again]

"She's perfect!"
"She's flawless!"
"Look at that golden hair!"
"Her dresses! I want them!"
"The devil horns!"
"She's amazing!"
"She's just so... So ... SO..."
I lift my head up to see nearly the entire class staring at me. Rolling my eyes, I pull off my red hood and look away with a "whatever" glare to my eyes.
Suddenly, a loud smack comes from a ruler hitting my desk. A guy named Tom who was seen as hostile and well... Creepy... Is leaning over it. He wore jeans and boots and bracelets. With his flaming red hair, you'd never guess what he was wearing for a shirt. Apart from his usual ensemble, which would have included a red shirt as well, he had a black t shirt tucked into his pants. On it was the worlds "Starry Night Tour" in hot pink with a suave (clearly photoshopped) version of the pop Star they were all screaming about.
"So!" Tom leans forward with an edge to his voice and ruler in hand. "What did you say about our goddess?"
"If by goddess mean that over payed,  extraterrestrial-looking, walking one dimensional bleached blond valley girl stereotype super Star with a voice like auto tune then yeah, goddess." I snark back.
Tom gasps and then I felt a sharp pain in the top of my head.
"HEY!" I shout, grabbing my brown hair. "You just hit me with that ruler!" Kids began to tune all their attention in us, the classroom stirring only moments before the last bell would ring and the teacher would dance his way out of here and leaves us to freedom. Although, he never pays attention to begin with.
"Yeah and I'll skin ya alive and wear your extrails like a trench coat if you don't shut your trap!" Tom tests.
I stand up, "I don't get why you all love this girl so much she is about as real as a Barbie doll!"
"I'll have you know her song Star's in the Daytime has over two billion downloads on iTunes and she has openly say she's against auto tune!"
"And can I openly say I'm not going to pay you back for smacking me, doesn't mean I won't do it anyways."
"I swear i will-" The bell lets out a half-asses howl. I scoff, and we all grab our bags and leave.

I walk home, it's usually nice but today it was rainy and cold. I had a white umbrella almost breaking under the pressure of the droplets. My sneakers and pants were soaked to the bones by the time I reached the crosswalk. I sigh, resting the umbrella on my shoulder. I was only half way home and the thunder was starting to crack above me. I look as cars drive by in almost a single line, this street is always packed.  A few cop cars also zoom by, splashing me as i wait for my light to turn green. But it seemed to be stuck so, was I too. Suddenly, I hear loud splashing behind me. I turn to see a girl with a black sweatshirt on. It was at least three sizes too big, and made her look like she wasn't wearing pants. She had in tall white socks and converse. I couldn't see her face, the giant hood hung over her like a shadow, but strands of blond were dancing in the wind. She stops running and stands next to me, holding herself and shivering. The sweatshirt folded under her hands and the hood arced over her, so her face was completely hidden. She was totally soaked, I gaze up at my umbrella. It was resting on my right shoulder and the girl was on my left. I sigh and switch it so it hovered over me and this mystery girl.
"Oh!" She says surprised by my kind gesture, her voice is sweet like caramel, "Thanks!"
"No problem." I turn the other way, the light was still red. Geez.
"So where are you going?" She asks, the rain began to come down harder. Uneasily, she shifts her weight so she was more under the umbrella, closer to me.
I blush a little, and then look away smoothly. "Home. You?"
"I'm not sure." She sighs. "I sorta just ran away."
I let out a scoff. "From what?"
"Have you ever felt like you had everything. But the next day, nothing has changed but you just realize you have nothing?"
I grip my teeth at the strangely deep conversation topic. "No. I don't think so."
She lets out another high pitched sigh, "Figures. What's your name anyways?"
"M-Marco Diaz?" I say it as a question even though I was 100% sure that was my name. This girl, she was so confident yet she almost seemed timid at the same time.
She plays with the fabric on her hood. "Marco Diaz, what do you love to do?"
"Well I mean," I cough awkwardly. "I like karate I guess? I enjoy movies and bike rides and I guess music. How about you?"
"Okay then." She ignores my question completely and says. "What are you passionate about?"
"Isn't that the same thing?" I question, wondering why I was still talking. I look up to see the red light blink to one and lots of cars take off right after. I peer at the girl, she was facing forward so what a bitch move not to tell me it was green.
"There's a difference." She simply states.
"Okay then. I guess I'm passionate about school, but I still love karate."
"You like school?"
I shrug. "It's okay. I mean, I love getting good grades."
"I guess... yeah why not?" I stare off across the street.
"Most kids like school only because of the people."
"Yeah well I don't."
"You don't have friends?"
"No I have some friends but like..." I sigh. "Have you ever heard of The Starship Crew?"
The girl nods slowly.
"My entire school's obsessed with them, and all my friends have turned green whenever they see the lead singer on magazines and photos. She apparently is in town or something, I don't know. Anyways, I don't like her."
"You don't?"
"B-But why?"
"She's fake. Her name is Star Butterfly, nothing is more obviously a fraud then that. She's clearly egotistical. Hollywood corrupts people, I'm sure she was nice and all... Tragic."
"So you'd rather be an outcast than admit you like her?"
"What!?" I turn to the girl and shout, "I don't- I literally just said I hate this girl!"
"But you didn't mention her music, I figured you liked that part of her."
"What!?" I growl. "Why would I listen to her music when I can't stand the brat!?" I pull away a little. I'd like to pull away a lot, but the umbrella is like a cage binding us together.
"Music is what she does! Who cares what a horrible kid she is." The girl leans closer to me, so that she's touching me. I feel her hand slide down my side and jump a little, blushing.
"I guess..." I bite my lip. I turn to see the light is green. "Listen I have to go, you coming this way?"
"No. But you go." The girl says and I take a step into the street, making it half way across before I turn around, driver impatiently tapping there fingers we on their steering wheel.
"Are you sure you're not coming?" I call to her, seeing how she hasn't move.
She shake her head, the rain flying from her loose hairs. "I'm waiting for someone."
I dance on the ball of my feet, should I go back? It is still pouring and she'll be soaked.
The light flashes to three behind me and I run to the other side.
"Are you... Sure!?" I scream back as cars begin to take off. They streak by and give me glimpses of a smiling girl.
"It's okay Marco Diaz!" She screams. "Thanks for the talk!"
I nod, wanting to turn around and leave but again I felt stuck. Cars splash by, the girl doesn't move and neither do I. Trucks, vans, buses all crash by until I finally drag my feet away from her. I walk away with thoughts hovering over my head. Why didn't I ask the girl who she was? She was clearly familiar to me. I sigh, placing my hands in my pocket to feel something smooth and cold hit it. Pulling my hand out, I see a small iPod with earbuds attached to it. This wasn't mine, I don't have an iPod. I instantly turn it on, the background is a canvas that simply said "Don't judge an artist without seeing the art" in a fun script and some splatter painting on it.
I put in the headphones and hit the play button. A violin string out with a smooth melody, but is interrupted with a small base beating behind it. A voice fade into the melody with a single note a smile. The voice was confident but still sweet, like caramel




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