Project Solangelo

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Disclaimer: I only own the story

Will plus Nico equals Solangelo. Nothing else makes sense. Now I understand what everyone else at camp felt like with Percy and Annabeth

Hey dude, I'm right here. Please don't say anything about my relationship. It's not what I signed up for, and I don't even know what you're talking about.

Whatever, moving on. We're currently planning on how to get Will and Nico to admit they like each other to us-

Or at least just Nico, because we already know Will likes Nico from our...... sources.

True. Then, the next step is to make them admit to one another that they like each other.

Quiet, I hear someone coming.

Play dead or hide?

Niether. We need to..... CAMOFLAGUE.

No yelling you idiot or they'll find us.

It's not my fault.

*Weapons shed door opens*

Percy? Jason?

What in Hades are you doing?


Just homework?

You're not going to school Seaweed Brain.

I have to catch up?

In the weapons shed?

*Looks at each other* Boys!

Run Jackson. Run.

I'm running Grace.

*Back at the weapons shed*

Why are we dating them?

I have no idea.

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