Just Hold Me

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I was sick of everyone. All I wanted to do was lie down and sleep away from everyone else, where no one would annoy me. But almost everywhere in camp someone could just come up to you and be annoying. I could just go and lie in my cabin, but then all my siblings would be able to find me easily and drag me back to the infirmary so I could help them. Even though everything would be fine and they didn't need my help at all.

I decided that if I couldn't take a nap and get some rest then the next best thing would be to take a walk and relax a bit before having to go back to the infirmary. I headed towards the woods,  saying 'hi' to people that I knew. As I walked I already started to feel relaxed by the sounds of everyone training or just talking. It was loud, yes, and some people might not understand how I could find this relaxing at all, but I did. Maybe it was because I could tell everyone was happy and could just be carefree at the moment.

I'd been walking for about 5 minutes when I thought I heard something move. I looked around and saw nothing, so I suspected it was just a nature spirit. Another 10 minutes later I heard a stick snap behind me, I turned quickly and saw that there was nothing there. I then looked on the ground and saw that one of the sticks I had stepped over was now in two pieces. Someone or something must be following me. Gods forbid it be one of my siblings otherwise I will never figure them. Ever.

Something then touched my waist. It felt like hands and I was scared something bad was about to happen to me like some spirit was going to pull me away. I then glanced down and saw that the hands were very pale and on one of them had a skull ring on.

I turned around to face Nico, his arms still wrapped around my waist. "That was you?" I asked him. All I got was a smile in response. I laughed, "Don't do that again, I thought I was being kidnapped or something. Did you follow me or were you already here?" He took his arms from around my waist and instead took my hand before replying. "Both?" "What do you mean?" I asked, wondering what he meant. "I was already here, but when I saw you I decided to follow you and see why you of all people would be wandering around in the woods at this time of day." 

He looked into my eye before standing on his toes to kiss my cheek. "Why are you in the woods?" I sighed if I was going to tell anyone it might as well be him. "Because...because I'm sick of having to constantly be in the infirmary or training. I'm supposed to wake up at the crack of dawn and spend the whole day doing something. Sometimes I just want to be able to rest, but I can't because my siblings will then just come and wake me up and I ask me to do something that they are perfectly capable of doing on their own." It was silent for a moment, I could hear the wind blowing through the trees. "So basically what you're saying is that you're not getting enough sleep or time to relax and then being asked or forced to do everything when really or you want to do is walk in the woods." "Yes, but not the last part. It's the quietest place where I can be alone without anyone near me asking me to do things." "So I'll just leave then." He starts to pull away from me, but I don't let him. I pull him against me wrapping my arms around him at the same time and mumble into his hair, "You're an exception." "Why am I the exception?" He asked me, and I could tell he was smiling at the same time. "Because you're not annoying."

We stayed like that for about 5 minutes, standing in the woods holding each other. "Do you want to come to my cabin?" he asked. I looked at him confused. He laughed as he held my hand and shadow travelled us to Cabin 13. I looked around at the familiar room. I would be annoyed at him for using his powers, but at the moment I just didn't want to argue with him and it was really the only way that I could be in his cabin without seeing me. Campers would start rumours about anything these days and they travelled so quickly sometimes that I got scared.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by Nico tugging me towards his bed. We sat on the edge of the bed together enjoying the presence of the other. I looked down at him before leaning in and kissing him, wrapping my arms around his waist for a second time that day and pulling him back onto the bed so he was lying on top of me. I sometimes longed for moments like these on days where I worked in the infirmary longer than usual. He pulled away and looked down at me. "Come on. You even look tired. Rest here there's no one here to wake you up." I smiled gratefully at my boyfriend, getting into a more comfortable position on the bed still holding him. "Aren't you going to let me go?" I shook my head smiling. "Fine!" he rolled his eyes trying to hide the fact that he was smiling as well. "You okay?" his voice getting softer. "Yeah", I said closing my eyes, "Just hold me."

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