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You stole my heart

you took my breath away

You make me whole

you are told

Things that break you

things that make you

Yet you still stand strong and tall

You are my black widow

You are my Thor

You are the thunder

To my lightning

You are the love of my life

One day I will make you my wife

We will finally be alive

You are the one that I see

You are the one from my dreams

You Are the one who can hurt me like that

You are the one that a smile is cracked

You are my Wednesday

My glue my whole

You are my everything

I trust you with my soul

You are the light

That lights up the world

You are the spark

When we finally kiss

You will be my forever

Wether we are together or apart

We connected solely by heart

Although I don't want this friendship to end

I want this relationship to start

But I don't want us to be torn apart

You are my everything

You are my love, you my mystery

My heaven above

You take my breath away every day

You have my heart in your hands

You are my dreams

You are real

But we are a fantasy.You 

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