Her Voice

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"Why didn't you tell me that you already met the White Prince?" Youngjae half-yelled half-whispered as soon as he and Dahyun managed to successfully get out of the cafeteria.

Dahyun is searching for her notebook but she can't find it. Then it hits her. I left it on the table. Eunwoo possibly have it right now. She lightly hits her head. Why am I so careless?

"Yah. Are you even listening to me?" Youngjae asked his sister. "What are you looking for?"

Dahyun mouthed the word "notebook."

"Where did you lost it?" Youngjae begins to panic. He knows how much Dahyun treasures that notebook. It contains her emotions and secrets even he doesn't know.

Dahyun points at the cafeteria.

Youngjae is contemplating whether to go back. A lot of things already happened there, all because of his sister's unwanted acts. He doesn't want her to create more trouble for herself. "You just stay here and wait for me. I'll go get it." He's about to run back when Dahyun grabs his arm. "What is it now, Dahyun?"

She links his arm with his brother.

"No no no no! You stay here." Youngjae tried to pry Dahyun's hands on his arm. But Dahyun holds on to him tightly. "Dahyun, stop being stubborn. This is not the right time for you to be like this. You're in big trouble. You messed with the Princes of this school. Didn't I warned you already to stay away from them?"

Dahyun frowns and slowly lets go of his arm.

Feeling guilty, Youngjae sighs and cups his sisters face. "Hey, look at me." But Dahyun didn't lift her head, still looking down on the floor. "I'm doing this for your sake. I don't want you to experience what you experienced back then. I don't want you to get hurt by other people. I understand if you're feeling upset. I know that me and Dad told you to make friends. But Dahyun... Yugyeom and Eunwoo aren't the ones you should befriend with. The people surrounding them might attack you. You know what I mean, right?" He asked, hoping for a response from Dahyun.

Dahyun sighs and moves away from him. Then she starts to walk away.

"Dahyun, wait." Youngjae calls for her. But Dahyun didn't dare to stop nor look back. He frustratingly runs his hand through his hair. "Aish, why is this happening to us." He mumbles before running back inside the cafeteria.


Dahyun decided to skips her afternoon classes on that day. She's feeling upset with her brother.

I don't understand why I can't be friends with Yugyeom and Eunwoo. What's wrong about that? And besides, they're the ones who approached me first. Is it wrong to acknowledge their presence? And I don't understand what Youngjae meant with "trouble." Both Yugyeom and Eunwoo look harmless for me. So why does Youngjae wants me to stay away from them so badly?

Dahyun stomps her feet and puffs her cheeks. Her habit when she's feeling confused.

She didn't noticed that she walked a bit far from her school and now standing in a playground. She takes a rest for a while and sits on the swing.

Then she hears someone sniffing. She follows the sound where it's coming from.

It's under the slide... who could that be?

As Dahyun gets closer and closer, the sniffing sound became even more clearer. It's a sound of someone's cry.

When Dahyun takes a peek, she sees a little boy crying while hiding behind the slide.

Dahyun rushes on his side, checking if he hurts himself. She feels relieve when she didn't see any wounds or scratches on him. Then why is he crying?

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