09| Deadly Ambitions

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Finn POV

I kicked the door as I entered my dwelling. My father and Amara were with Pelos at the palace, helping him recover. "Stupid!" I yelled.

What had I been thinking!? Emilia was a fairy. Our kingdoms were at war. What was I expecting her to do: fall in love with me?

I couldn't get the stupid girl out of my head. It was just something about her, but I couldn't figure out what. Was it that she was courageous? Smart? Beautiful?

I collapsed dejectedly on my bed, unable to even sleep because of Emilia. I laid in bed for about an hour, hating my life and hating myself for ever thinking I had a chance with her. Everything would be so much easier if I were a fairy.

"We're attacking the humans," Lord Pelos announced at the council meeting. Amara and I had been asked to attend again because of our huge success. My father hadn't been angry about Irene. The kingdom seemed to accept the fact that I did it for the greater good.

Various whispers of doubt travelled around the table. "Why the humans?" I whispered to Amara.

"Apparently the fairies are trying to arrange a peace treaty with them," Amara replied. "Father told me. We're supposed to crush them before the fairies can join them."

I bit my lip, a gut wrenching feeling in my chest. What did the fairies ever do to us?

"Before we attack the humans, however," Pelos continued, raising his voice so the room fell silent. "We will be ambushing the fairies' carriage holding the royal family. With them out of the way, the fairy kingdom will be in chaos!"

Lord Felix nodded approvingly. Amara was smiling, and Lord Samden and the others were exchanging pleased looks. Why am I the only one not okay with this? Emilia cared about Irene, the princess. I had to warn them, as a final gift to her.

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