12| Anchor

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Serena POV

My heart wrenched in my chest when I remembered that my sister was still out there fighting for her life. I pulled away from Finn's kiss. "Irene," I panted breathlessly.

He looked down at me, my lip gloss smeared on his mouth. His eyes glazed over with guilt. He nodded and took my hands in his abruptly. "When can I see you again?" he asked softly.

I hesitated. "Soon," I promised. "Really soon." Finn nodded and sprinted out of the room, picking up his bow which he'd dropped at the entrance. I followed behind slowly, trying not to arouse any suspicions.

As soon as I ran into the room where the fierce battle was ensuing, Irene sprinted up to me, gasping for breath. "I need your help!" she panted. "Help me cast a spell."

"Irene, you know I can't—"

"—I know," she interrupted. She proceeded to boot a brown-skinned elf who was approaching us in the groin. "You're my anchor. I'm amplifying my power through you."

"Okay..." I stammered hesitantly. She grabbed both of my shoulders and closed her eyes, murmuring an incantation.

After a moment of nothing, a tingly feeling aroused in the pit of my stomach. Then the feeling erupted, sending electricity coursing through my body. My arms snapped to an outstretched position, and my head was jerked so that my chin was in the air. Golden light swirled around me, and everything but myself and Irene seemed to disappear.

My body started shaking uncontrollably as the blinding light intensified. A look of panic came into Irene's eyes, and she jerked her hands away. I fell to my knees, too weak to move. Was that what magic felt like?

Irene fell beside me, gasping for air. I summoned enough strength to move my head and look at what the spell caused. Every elf had been knocked off their feet, their faces bruised and their noses bleeding. They unanimously stood up and hobbled out of the castle in retreat. I scanned the room frantically for Finn, but there was no sight of him. The last elf out of the castle slammed the door, and the humans and fairies began cheering. Irene and I were helped up, and lifted onto the shoulders of rejoicing fairies.

"All hail the princesses!" various people shouted. We were put gently back on our feet, and the entire palace unanimously bowed at our feet. To my shock, my father and the human emperor knelt as well.

My father was the first to rise. "Let this joint victory mark the beginning of a glorious alliance!" his voice boomed. The human emperor nodded, and they shook hands.

I turned to Irene. "What was that?" I asked curiously.

"Fairy Rule," she said. "It's one of the three sacred fairy spells. It obliterates all in the castor's wake, but spares those the anchor sees as allies."

I breathed in relief. That meant Finn hadn't been affected. "It felt like I had magic," I admitted truthfully. "Like I actually could do something to help."

Irene wrapped me in a hug. "I'm just glad you're okay," she murmured.

I learned something that day. Two things, actually. I learned that I was madly in love with an elf named Finn, and that I wanted to fight.


I just wanted to say thank you so so much for all the support on this book! Bound to the North hit 100 reads, more than I'd ever expected. I would really appreciate votes and comments on this book because I always like to know what my readers are thinking.

Thanks so much!

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