33| Drowning

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Finn POV

I awoke shivering and wet. For a moment, I was confused as to why I was sleeping under a bridge, but then I remembered. Amara had killed our father...

My heart sped up when I thought of Serena, locked in the dungeon. Id watched Amara drag her in there, and I couldn't do anything. I didn't know what I'd do if I lost her.

I couldn't go home last night. I couldn't face Amara after what she'd done. And who was to say she wouldn't kill me in my sleep?

It was a little past dawn. I didn't want to show up for training and classes today, but I knew I had to. If I avoided being one on one with Amara, there was no threat. She couldn't be seen killing her brother in front of the entire force.

Besides, today was the first day of the new year. The new recruits would be there, and I needed to be near the palace. I was going to break Serena out of the dungeon, even if I got killed for treason because of it. I shuddered when I thought about what Amara was doing to her. Was she even alive?

Groaning, I stood up and headed toward the palace, my mind clouded with so many different emotions. I was worried about Serena, grieving for my father, and wary of Amara. Honestly...I just wanted to punch something. And I couldn't forget about Ozio's betraying me. He was the true reason Irene was dead.

"I have something to tell you," Ozio told me when I reached the palace.

"Don't want to hear anything you have to say," I mumbled tiredly. I'd been betrayed by both my sister and my best friend in less than a day.

General Kahn entered the room, and called us. Thankful for the interruption, I gladly sprung to attention.

"I saved Serena," Ozio hissed out of the corner of his mouth.

I looked at him peripherally, my eyes widening. "How?" I demanded quietly, not really caring what Kahn was saying.

"Stole the key out of Pelos's study. Took Serena back on horse. She looked bad, man."

"Finn! Ozio! Quit chattering unless you have something to say in front of the entire force!" Kahn yelled, his voice booming. We snapped back to attention.

"Thanks," I sighed, relieved. That was one less thing for me to worry about.

I felt horrible, but I was going to wait for someone else to discover my father's body. Questions would arise if I did it, and I didn't want Amara to be exposed yet. Not until I figured out why she was doing this.

We were called at ease, and each veteran over two years was paired up with a new recruit for the day. We were to show them the basics; figure out if they had what it took to be in the force.

After listening to a long list of names being called, it was finally my turn. "Finn," Kahn drawled. "You'll be mentoring Gemma."

Ozio clapped his hand over his mouth, snorting. Gemma...on the force?! I walked down to the front as everyone else had, and shook hands with her formally.

"So where do we start?" she asked unwaveringly as we walked outside. Her green eyes gleamed with confidence, something I'd never seen from her before.

"Uh..." I hesitated, overwhelmed. "Archery," I decided, picking what was easiest for me. Something was off. This girl had a completely different demeanor than the Gemma I'd known before.

She walked with confidence and poise the entire way to the shooting range. When I handed her the bow, she held it as if she'd trained for years. She released the sting, and the arrow hit the very center of the bullseye.

"You thought I didn't know how to fight?" she taunted, her eyes taking on a yellowish hue in the sun.

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