Chapter 8

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I knew something was wrong; I could sense it. One moment I am in my office trying to get things all settled in the business I run so I could be prepared for anything the witches throw our way and the next moment I get the feeling that something is not right. That I need to get in touch with my mates.

I call both of their phones, I texted them, I tried video call, email and several other ways, but nothing I did, nothing I tried worked. I immediately went to find Ambrose. I knew that I would need my second.

I found Ambrose and we immediately rushed to figure out what was going on. The funny thing is Ambrose didn't even question me, he just went with it. I knew that Louvenia and Jesper went to her apartment to go get her things, but the bigger question was whether or not they were still there or not. My gut told me to just head to her apartment and work from there.

The entire drive there I was frantic, my wolf wanted to take over and go to Jessie and Lou. It was pacing frantically trying to get to them and I was trying my hardest to make it happen. I just knew if anything happened to them and I didn't have a chance to do anything about -I- I just couldn't even imagine it. I just knew I had to get to them.

As me and Ambrose started to get close you could feel the magic in the air, it felt familiar and I didn't know why, but my wolf did it started to react quite strongly to it.


That was the only thing I got from it before a flash of purple came up. In that moment, I knew that I needed to get to them as quick as possible.

The car was almost there and I saw Louvenia surrounded by purple mist with glowing purple eyes. She was so powerful, so beautiful and she had a beautiful mate tattoo that I would bet my life matched me and Jesper's tattoos. The final piece to the puzzle. She took care of the hunters and then I saw her mist surround a wounded Jesper and heal him and Just as that was happening I leaped from the car to go to them.

She made eye contact with me and smiled. I yelled her name and saw her start to waver on her feet. The purple mist started to dissipate and I made my way to her I knew she was about to go down. I caught her just in time. She had fallen asleep. I don't know what happened, but it explained a lot. I carried her to the car and secured her. While I was doing so I looked at her arm and the mark was gone. I was confused but I knew I needed to get Jesper and her things out of here as quick as possible.

Ambrose was getting her things and her car so her friends wouldn't think it weird and I got Jesper and put him the car as well. I drove them home and put them both in their rooms and tucked them in. I knew when we met the witches we would be in for a lot. All I could hope is that they would have some answers and that they would be answers we would look forward to.



Purple. So much fucking purple. That's all I could fucking see and feel. How does one even feel purple? UGH!


I wake up and for a moment I am confused because I feel perfect and I am pretty sure I got my ass handed to me by those stupid hunters. All I can remember is that they got the best of me and I went down. Now I am in my own bed trying to take inventory of myself and figure out what is going on. I look down at my arm and see that my mate mark has turned purple. Of course, this is weird, but I have to figure out what happened to Louvenia.

I get up quickly and make my way over to her room and try to make sure everything is alright with her. I make my way to her room and she isn't there. I panic. I mean what could this mean if she isn't there. I start to run around the pack house like a mad man searching for her for anyone and the strange thing is I can't find anyone either.

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