400 years ago everyone lived in fear of the dragons that burned down their homes and devoured their crops in flames, but there weren't only dragons there was also beast. Unpleasant creatures from the pit of hell that only fed on human flesh and woul...
Attention, the airship will be landing shortly, the intercom went off," alright guys you ready to do this, yeah, everyone shouted! One more thing before we get off the airship, we should make a name for are selves, huh why now lio, cody asked while gathering his stuff. well I have been thinking, if lee fong and his team have a name, we should too, yeah I guess your right. So what should it be, mina asked, how about the kick ass gang, haha no cody we need something cooler than that. I got it how about lightning hunters, naw its good but it's missing something, okay what about you lio, got any ideas, niko asked. Well I have something but it's not perfect, come on let's hear it already, OK, OK how about retro squad? Sounds great to me, yeah me too, me also Cody said giving me a high five, alright I guess we can keep that for now. Now that we have a team name I pledge I'll never leave any of you behind, I also pledge that I will protect you from harm Mina said with a smile, I guess I pledge to guide you guys to the finish line. Thanks cody, and what about you niko, I pledge when we win first place I won't brag to the other teams," hahaha that's the spirit niko, now put it there. I put my fist in the center, "you got it lio" Mina said as everyone threw their fist in the middle with big smiles on their faces, retro squad on three, One....Two....Three..... Retro Squad!
Suddenly random names were being shouted from all over the room, "wow Lio I guess everyone herd your idea about a team name" yeah I guess your right Mina. Attention all passenger we have now arrived at the first phase of the hunter exams, the intercom went on, good luck and happy hunting. Then the back of the airship started opening slowly as the bright sunlight reflected off of the hot desert sand. Suddenly everyone started dashing off the ship ready to get to the finish line first, let's go guys, "hold on lio" cody shouted. whats up, we shouldn't just start running off into the desert like the other groups, if you have a look all the groups that participated in the last hunter exams are letting the rookies go first. So you just want us to sit here and wait for them to get a head start, niko yelled, that's not it when it comes down to the desert you want to save most energy you can. In a few hours all those kids you seen that went before use will be dead or back on the airship to home. "Well I guess not all the rookies are stupid like the rest, a random guy said approaching us with his team, hey the names huch and this is my crew. What's your name kid, "cody" well Cody your right the first phase isn't about speed, but you should get going. Tell you the truth I'm not that interested in passing first, we just want to become hunters. So it's about time we get going, see you kids later, and one more thing always go right. What do you mean, niko asked, well I took this exam eight times I guess I know a thing or two. Normally I wouldn't help rookies, but you guys remind me of myself and my crew when we started the exams so take it as a favor kid. "Captain we have to get going", a woman comes from behind him touching his shoulder, yes your right, let's move out team. just like that they were gone in the desert wind, "I guess we should get going" I said stepping off the ship, into the soft warm sand. Soon hours felt like days as we walked through the dry desert, the scorching sun beat down on our skin letting are sweat pour out like rain." Are we there yet, niko said dragging her feet, "sorry but were far from the abandon city" maybe in a few hours, awwww but my feet hurt. "Hey lio, cody maybe we should stop for awhile", mina said wiping the sweat from her face, and why are your faces red, umm mina your shirt. She looked down,.......... you pervs are so dead, she shouts chasing us around, " hey it's not our fault you have sweaty boobs, well stop looking! Pow*#*Pow*#* ouch that hurt, serves you right , she laughs, "hey guys look over there" Niko points behind us.
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It looks like an abandoned temple, should we go inside Cody, " well from my calculations if we don't our supplies will be used up within a few hours in this heat, so shelter sounds good for now. Alright I guess we don't have a choice, I said as we walked inside. Hold on, it looks like were not alone, "look, footprints". It must be from the other people taking the exams, they all seem to be going different directions niko reached down touching the floor. Look there's also a sign, Mina said as we all approached it, "it says chose your path wisely one path has a deadly scorpion queen beast in order to pass you must kill it, and the other has a calm spring to refill your water and continue on peacefully" what way do we go left or right lio. Don't you remember the guy from earlier, he said always go right, so that's what we should do, okay fine but that guy better not be trying to kill us. We should probably start running if this is the right path we get to the end of it fast, we don't have time to waist. You with me, "YEAH" then let's goooo, I shouted as we dashed down the path, but who knew from just by choosing that passage would change our teams future forever.