Arrival At The Hunter Exam

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Hey, kid have a seat let me explain, right now you're making your way to the hunter exam and before you can kill any dragons or even gain the title a hunter, you will be tested. Many people from around the world come to the exams but a few pass, like last year only ten people made it. But those who pass come out as heroes and are well known around the world, but it doesn't stop there. Those that set off by them self to kill beast and dragons are called pro slayers, most slayers have magical powers and roomers has it that they gain that power from killing a grand dragon. Grand dragons are rare and only grand dragons can pass on special powers, some people say they were born with it, some say it was passed on, really who cares there lucky to have that ability. "well kid, you got all of that" the crew mate looked at me"yeah I guess so, well are you ready for this sis" hell yeah, I'm ready for anything the exam throws at me niko says with a smile. Hahaha, the captain laughs you really are your father's kids, well you guys get some rest on the lower deck you'll need it for the exams. "Yeah your probably right," we nodded our heads, "and thanks for the information" no problem" he replied before we went below deck. Suddenly five hours later the ship came to a sudden stop yanking us awake, "hey captain what's going on" I ask as me and niko return to the upper deck. Amazed to see huge towers that seemed to be higher than the clowds, as I stand there speechless niko dances around the ship"Yassss where finally here, we made it to the hunter exams" hahaha yes you did the captain laughs and I'll be cheering for you two out there so don't let me down. Thanks there's no way were going to fail, haha that's the Sprint, now you youngsters should get a move on the head leader is making a speech to all the newcomers. One more thing don't take your competitors to lightly, some people took the exams many times and failed, and most would hate to see a bunch of rookies beat them. Yeah thanks gramps, I shout back, before walking into a huge building. Wow, this place is amazing niko says looking around, yeah I know just look at these pro slayers that's on the wall,"excuse me do you two need something a lady says at the front desk. O yeah, where here for the hunter exam, I said approaching her,"glad to hear that but to enter you'll need this" the lady stretches out her hand giving us a number tag. What are these for, well there for keeping track of you every tag has tracker so if you're in danger we can find you . How smart, so where do we go now, O yes go straight ahead and you'll find your way to the grand stadium. Thanks......lisa, I look at her name tag, so got a boyfriend cutie, Shut up we don't have time for this niko punches my shoulder dragging me through the door. Wow look all these people, and it looks like we arrived just in time,"hello all you new comers out there and welcome to the exams, a man shouts from the stage as the crowd cheers, my name is yameku and I am the head leader of the hunter exams. Today we rest, because tomorrow you'll be pushed to the limit to show that you can do your best under pressure, and I'll be looking forward to seeing who makes it to the end. Now everyone look at your number tag, as you can see everyone has a color and a number, the color will show you what area you will stay and your number will show you your room. Sleep well my future hunters for tomorrow well decide your destiny, the man waves to the cheering crowd before walking off stage. Hey niko what color do you have"blue, how about you" the same, wait hold on we have different numbers! Cool down big bro, where only two rooms away, I know you promised mom you'll look after me but I'll be okay. Now let's go find our rooms I'm dying to see my roommate and who knows lio yours might be a girl......wait lio were are you I swear he was here awhile ago. "Please be a girl, please be a girl," I say dashing towards my room, then finally reaching it in a few minutes, okay let's do this I say swiping my hair back acting cool. Opening the door surprised to see a guy packing out his close"what the hell" I yell getting his attention"why couldn't he just have been a girl" I think to myself. O hey my names Cody nice to meet you, he holds out his hand, lioken shanks, but you can call me lio, we shake hands. Well I'll be right back Cody got to check on my little sister, I wave walking two rooms down the hallway. Hey niko open up it's me lio, I say knocking on the door" O hey lio let me introduce you to my roommate Mina Shan, "What the hell"..........

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