400 years ago everyone lived in fear of the dragons that burned down their homes and devoured their crops in flames, but there weren't only dragons there was also beast. Unpleasant creatures from the pit of hell that only fed on human flesh and woul...
Attention, all future hunters report to the center of the field thank you, the speaker intercom went off scaring everyone awake. Come on lio get up its time to go cody shouted throwing a bag on my bed. "Whats this", "just some equipment you might need" every hunter exams the judges in charge supplies everyone with special equipment they might need, and trust me it comes in handy. Wow, thanks for the info, hey your really smart, I'm putting up a team with my little sis want to join? Yeah sure, based off of my research about eighty-five present passed the hunter exams by teaming up which might give us a good chance of winning. Yeah, we defiantly need you our my team I laughed as we both strapped on our bags heading for the door. Lio we're over here, my sister shouted out waving through the crowd of people" hey guys I said approaching them, this is my roommate cody he wants to join our crew is that cool with you girls. Yeah sure the more the better niko said shaking his hand" okay how about you mina" of course plus he's a cutie mina said touching his cheek. "Hey let's not get off track, we all know I'm the cutest in this group, we all laughed making our way to the center of the field. Suddenly everyone started to cheer as the head leader Yameku sama entered the stage, "hello everyone, who's ready to become a hunter, yameku shouted as the crowd cheered louder. "That's what I'm talking about, alright everyone quite down because you don't want to miss this, for this exams you will be tested on your speed, energy, strength, strategy and for those who have a team on their teamwork. Your mission is to make it to the finish line, but to do that you must make it through the desert, forest and abandoned city, after that you must get up to the floating islands in the sky somehow.
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From there you pass the exams and an airship will be ready to pick you up, and I almost forgot the best part, whoever passes the finish line first will meet the pro hunter, Lee Fong the beast slayer and his team in Timonia City. The crowd went wild, as everyone celebrated, as I stood there amazed at what I just heard, I couldn't believe there was a chance for me to meet my hero Lee fong. From that point knew I had to win first place, "Alright everyone please board the airship, it will bring you to the starting point of the exams". Good luck to all you future hunters, yameku waved to the crowd as we border the airship," does anyone else feel pumped about winning this thing" Cody said jumping around. Heck yeah, I get to become a hunter and meet the beast slayer, I said squeezed my fist together "roomers has it that he killed two hundred beast and seventy-six dragons. Wow Mina, I wasn't expecting you to know that," well the only reason I know that is because I love his team mate mikasa scarlet". But that's enough talking, we need a plan to pass this exam any ideas, I got one but it's a challenge, Cody said coming in close, alright listen up...........
Meanwhile, back at the exam capital, a man burst through yamekus office doors,"didn't anyone teach you how to knock," I'm sorry yameku sir but I have horrifying news. Alright what is it ,"well during your peach you forgot to warn the kids about the dragons and beast that live in that area." O My God I Forgot, and there to far away to warn them now, damn I thought I had everything under control. well, I guess if they really want to to be a hunter they will face something like this in the future, god help them all.