Chapter 2
Euphoria! My stars how tonight is amazing! Dipper was walking home alone in the wee hours of the morning, but he did not feel alone. He was walking home with Wendy in his heart.
She kissed me! Well, she said she thought it was my cheek, but when she kissed my lips, she giggled, so she must have liked it too!
He felt like his smile would be permanent, that the whole world would guess his secret, and hell, he felt like shouting it to the world anyway.
He knew that when he turned 14 that this would be his year! Here he was, 14, and yet he beat out older boys, none of them were with her now! He was!
The stars were brilliant, sparkling and acknowledging his new love with every twinkle. The full moon seemed to be smiling with him. Well done Mr. Pines! Well done!
Even the air smelled cleaner, crisper and scented with pine and water. He was in tune with life, male and female together in their ancient dance, and now he was dancing too! With Wendy!
He arrived at the shack, and went inside quietly. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a can of Pitt Cola and went upstairs on tip toe.
Opening the attic bedroom door he took off his hat and then his shoes, but forgot to open his can of cola. He tried to quietly open it but it sputtered and hissed with a metallic rasp as he released the pressure.
"Dipper?" It was the second time tonight he had heard a gentle female question, barely above a whisper.
"Oh, sorry Mabes. It's just soda."
"Oh, I thought it was Dipper. How are you Mr. Soda? And why are you in a girl's bedroom so late at night?" and she giggled. She turned on her nightstand lamp.
"OH MY!"
"Shhhh Mabel! What are you talking about? Oh my what?"
"The lipstick on your lips! Or are you making fashion statements now?" she leapt off the bed, her long nightgown flowering in sudden bloom as she landed on the floor, and went right up to him with a big ear to ear smile, inspecting her brother closely, holding his shoulders.
Dipper backed up. "What? No." But his smile was giving him away.
"I know you went to Wendy's tonight, but she's 17, three years older than you. How did you come to have her lipstick on you hmmmm? SPILL!" and then she began sniffing him.
"Mabel, sheesh! Calm down will ya? You're gonna wake Grunkle Stan!"
"I smell buttered popcorn. And..."
"Yeah, so? Big discovery Sherlock. We watched movies like we do almost every night."
"Maybe! But did you watch a RomCom or something? Something that made her feel lovey-dovey? How did she let you kiss her? Tell me!"
"Well, that's the funny thing Mabes. She kissed me." And his smile widened back to his molars. It couldn't get any wider.
Mabel's eyes widened and her smile now faded. "No! Reaaaaally?" and her smile returned.
Dipper nodded, trying to keep the conversation quiet.
"Tell me everything Dipper! What led up to it you ol' smoothie you!" and she playfully socked his shoulder.
"Weeeeeeell nothing really. Honest, I just woke up and..."
"Wait, you were asleep? Where? On her couch?"
"No on her bed where we always watch movies." His ears began turning red as he saw his sister putting two and two together and then dividing by zero.
"On her bed eh? So! You woke up and then what?"
He reached up and rubbed the back of his neck underneath his thick locks of brown wavy hair, looking to the side. "Well...I just said good night, and...then she grabbed my shirt and... pulled me to her and..." he glanced back to Mabel, looking her in the eyes now. "...and she kissed me. That's all. Then we said goodnight."
Mabel's smile disappeared again. She folded her arms.
"Wait a minute...did she eat smiledip before she kissed you? Or drink any cider? Expired cider?"
"No, honest. She just woke up and..."
"Waitasecond, she was sleeping too? With you? You were both sleeping on her bed?" And the smile came back.
"Yeah, it's no big deal Mabel, we fell asleep watching Tales from the Crypt and then we woke up and she kissed me goodnight." Now Dipper let his eyelids lower a bit and folded his arms, trying to act like he does this every night.
"You're not telling me everything Dip."
He opened his eyes wide again and raised his hands to the ceiling. "Why would I hide anything? I tell you everything Mabel, and besides, you would know if I was lying."
"Hmmmm yeah, you're right, I would. Still...something's fishy."
Dipper rolled his eyes and took off his vest and his shirt and got ready to climb into bed.
"Mabel it's late and I'm tired. Let's talk in the morning.
I'll get it out of him somehow. Or...and she smiled and looked away from Dipper...or from Wendy! Ha!
"Goodnight Mabel."
She replied in a sing song soprano "Goodnight BroBro. Sweeeeeet dreeeeeaaaams."