Chapter 1

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Summer was always the greatest time of year for because you don't have anything to worry about things like school, fake friends and bullshit drama. But this summer is especially going to be the best  because My parents Elliot and Audrey are letting my friends and I have the beach house to ourselves this year. My parents thought its only fair since this is my last summer here before I’m off to University to study sports medicine at UCLA.

 I guess I should introduce myself before I forget. My name is Bryn I'd like to think I'm pretty average outgoing teenage I have waist long blonde hair with some light brown highlights, hazel eyes, I’m about 5’3 not the tallest but good things come in small packets right? anyways, I’m pretty fit I usually just run whenever I have a time, I'm also a cheerleader and coach not only cheer but soccer,  I am smart not going to lie.  I've gotten myself a full-ride scholarship to study sports medicine at UCLA next fall. Right now me, Scarlet, Reese, Loux and Sage are helping me pack.

Before we get to that I have introduce to my 4 best friends first, Loux she is by far the person I am the closest with in our group, we have known each other the longest out of the group.  We are each other’s partners in crime. Tighter than a fat man in spandex. She has black hair cut into a long bob, she has brown eyes she about 5’7 and is super model skinny. She is drop dead beautiful. Then we have the twins  Reese and Sage, We met then back in freshman year in high school we had maths together. They both have brown shoulder length hair, piercing blue eyes, they are 5’9 the tallest out of all of us, both super pretty but Reese is a bit curvier then her sister Sage but both are still beautiful. And lastly Scarlet we meet in senior year when she moved from Canada, Scarlet is crazy smart and not the mention gorgeous she is 5’5 pink hair to her hip, green eyes and she also very curvier.  All of us are super close we do anything together if not everything so that’s we are spending our last summer together before we are off to Collage or University. Okay  now back to packing.

“O my god really Bryn you had all week to pack and you didn’t pack shit!” Sage yelled at me

“I know I know sorry I was busy with fill out dorm stuff for school and dealing with the beach house it totally sliped my mind!” I told her

“Ugghh your just lucky that we love you too much not to help you pack” said Scarlet well everyone else laughed in response.

“I can't thank you enough guys but just remember even if you didn’t help me you would still have to wait for me because I have the keys to beach house.” as i sgin the house 

I pulled my pink suitcase from under my bed and started to throw all sorts of shorts, shirts, tank tops, skirts, binkies, sneakers, a couple of snapbacks, dress, basically every pieces of summer clothing I own in my suitcase since we are going to be there for 3 months. I finish packing in about an hour with most of my help being Loux and Scar. The other two sat in my bed help me make outfits with the clothes and talking about the stuff they were going to buy in Miami.

 “Omg have anyone realizes that we are only hours away from having the best summer of our lives!!”  Screamed Loux

“We know Loux you keeping telling us, “ I told her

“I’m just so ecstatic about this summer,” she admitted to us

“Okay now hurry up and grab your bags and lets get moving here ladies!!”  

 By the time they actually finished talking about how excited they were about this summer. I managed to fill my Range Rover and Sage truck with our luggage which I might say was a shit load of it, without any of there help. Of course..

“Yeah thanks for the help girls”

They laugh and  all very apologetic to me. Scar and Loux hoped in my car and the others in Sages car and we set off.


In the three hour drive to the beach the girls and I have sang our hearts out to every song on my iPod and gossip about everything possible thing we could. I knew we were getting close because while driving I could smell the salt from the ocean. In the matter of five minutes we pull up  the beautiful beach house. At about early sunset it such a beautiful site to see. it look like An orange haze casted over the moving sea, reflecting off every wave. Half of a glowing, radiant light emerged on the water's horizon. A warm sensation was splashed onto my face from the beaming rays on to our face.

 We grabbed all of stuff from the cars and all headed inside to pick our room for the summer . The house has 5 rooms each with an en-suite. The room I got was facing the ocean. The bed had white comforter with pink flowers on top. The whole room was white with pink and black accents. Picture of the New York and London picture on the wall in black and white. On the back of the room  there were to big white double doors that open out on to a balcony that over look the ocean. After looking at the room I went back down staires to see the girls in the living room bragging about who got the better room.

“ Well girls think we should do something”

“Yesss” they said

“Lets go to the beach first!” Asked Reese

“Great idea”

We all ran in upstairs and put on our bikinis, and garb towels.  When we got outside the girls all took a head start and ran to water. While they went in I placed our towels on the soft golden sand. Siting on my beach  towel while on my phone going though my feed. After about an hour Loux and the girls came running to me  from the water and sat beside me 

 “Heyy we should go out tonight!”

“Yeah sure!”

“Great lets get ready!”


Little did I know what major event was going to happen that girls night out.


okay this is my first fan fiction story





Unitl next time goodbye my loves Brooklynn 

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