Chapter 2

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Well the girls quickly dried off and ran into the house. I sat in the sand watching the sunset, the beautiful mix of oranges, pinks, and reds, just breathtaking. 

Eventually I got up wiped the sand of my butt and headed into the house.  When I walked in the house the girls were running around like man men trying to get ready. I laughed at them silently and quickly  up the stairs.

 When I got up to my room I took out my hair out from my messy bun and started up the shower. I quirky shaved my legs and washed my hair with my coconut shampoo and conditioner.  Stepped out and plug in the curler while that was heating up I went to pick out some thing to wear. I walked into the closet and pick out a  cute black dress with a sweetheart neckline, black straps, diamond cut out in the center of the dress and a peek-oo cut out on the side and it was about mid-thigh. This was my favorite dress. It hugged every part of my body perfectly.  I placed it on the bed and head back to the bathroom to curl my hair. After about 45 minutes I remerged out of the bathroom.  My  hair was curled in big sexy curls, I put on some light foundation, powder,  I went with dark smokey eye and some winged eyeliner and blood red lipstick. I threw on my dress and a pair of red studded stilettos.

 Downstairs I  met the girls. All of them dress to impress. Loux had a short blue dress with a lacey pattern with blue heels; hair in a high ponytail with a puff at the top.  Scar had on a very tight red dress with black heels; her hair pinned back was straightened. Lastly Reese had hot pink dress with some black high-heeled boots and her hair curly side bun.

“Aghh you girls look smoking” said Scar

“We all do, “ I told them

“Okay so I called a cab it will be here in 15 minutes okay?” Loux informed us

“How about some pre-party drinks!!” mentioned Scar

“Hell ya” 

We hurried off  the kitchen. Scar line up four rows with four shots of tequila . One after another each shot was taken on the count of three. All us  girls made a sourpuss face when finish each shot.

 “I still hate the taste of that”

 “ohh get over it and lets have some fun tonight “ said Reese

 “I know I know”

 After  shot us girls chatted for about 5 minutes there was a honking sound outside from the cab. They rushed all out while I locked the door. I hopped into the van told the cab driver to take us the hottest nightclub in town. He replied with a simple nod and we headed off.

The drive was a far one.  But totally worth it when we show up to a big , white and black nightclub. We paid the driver and lined up out outside the club

The music was so loud outside the club I couldn’t hear a word the girls were saying.  Lucky the line went fairly quick , and soon we were inside grabbing our drinks and heading to the dance floor.

It didn’t take long for the girls to notice there were some pretty hot guys in the club tonight.  The girls eventually left me to go talk to some guys while I danced. Not long after I notice the girls were out of site. I felt a like there was someone behind me, and surely there was because they put there hands on my hips and pulled me in so was grinding on them. I thought what the hell why not  have some fun with this so a grinded a little a bit harder on the man. I knew he liked what I was doing because I could feel his  fast breath on my skin.  The mystery man pushed my hair behind my ear and whispered 

“The names Niall  what yours pretty lady”

I stop what I was doing and turned a round to see the face of the man.  When I turned around and saw the most gorgeous man ever. He had blonde hair that was pulled in a quiff on the top of his head, ocean blue eye that you  could just get lost in, he was tall about 5’11 and tower over my petite body,  and he was pretty muscular but not bulky either. He was the definition of perfect. I guess he saw me totally checked him out because he smirked and said

“Like what  you see , missy”

I shyly looked down and blushed and said "y-you w-wish"

“ of cousre I wish babe So what your name missy” Niall said with a wink 


“Pretty name for a pretty lady”

I blushed and said thanks

“How about I buy you a drink?”

 “Yeah I would like that” seeming more confident now

Niall then put his hand at small of my back and lead the way  to the bar. I took a sat and waited for him to order. He ordered us a 6 vodka shot and himself a beer as well. The bartender started to make our drinks. Niall turn towards and sat beside me and stared at me for awhile before talking,

“How old are you “

“I’m 19 how about yourself?”

“I’m 21”

" do you go school babe by here missy?"

 "no Im attending UCLA in the fall and by the way my names bryn stop calling missy or babe "

“where do you go?” I asked him after he was done chuckling 

“ i can call you whatever i want to missy. I also go UCLA "

 "why are you here if you dont start until fall" he asked me 

Before he could ask me anything  else the bartender put our drinks in front of us.  The bartender winked at me and told me

“My name Jake”

“I know I can read name tags” I shot back because I was totally not interested in him

“ohh feisty I like it” before I could say anything Niall spoke from me.

“She not interested man leave her alone and get back to work ya wanker!”

Jake then turned around leaving us alone.

“Thank you”

“Don’t mention it but  now you do own me a favor ”

 “And what is that ?”

“You missy must give me your number”

“is that now”i shot back 

“ yup” he said with a cocky ass smirk cross his face 

I then went into in pants pocket to grabs he phone and I typed my number in it

Bryn <3 . Then handed it back to him. I finish off my drink then got up

“hey! where ya goin!? ” I winked at him and walked off the find the girls the let them know we are heading home.

After I gathered up the girls and pull Scar off from sucking faces with a  really buff guy. We went outside to catch cab. While we were waiting Loux ask

“Heyy who was that hottie you were with” 


“ooo did you get he’s number?”

“Actually I gave him mine” I told her. Loux started freaking out saying how proud of me she was and to be honest I was too  because he was one good-looking guy.


We got home at about 4:30 in the morning. I was tried and told the girls good night and headed to bed.  But before I turn my lights off I felt my phone buzzed I looked at the screen  

heyy little missy its Niall i forgot to tell ya how sexy you looked tonight you gave me a little problem after you left next time you will be the  one fixing it ;) Night love x

after read the text  I turned my phone off  and went to bed trying to forget about the blonde beauty's text message. 


heyy loves it Brooklynn 

i hope you guys are liking it!

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