iii. | Flashbacks Pt. 2

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Anti jerked awake, panting and looking around the room as he continued to jerk. Sweat drained from every pore in his body as his eyes darted around the blank white room. He started to breathe heavy, looking down at his clothes to see they were changed to  crisp, white scrubs. Anti tried to sit up, but was stopped by the leather straps that held his limbs to the bed.

"What the fuck..." he mumbled, jerking his head up quickly at the sound of the door opening.

A lady stepped in, wearing a brighter and more decorative type of scrubs.She had long brown hair in a bun and beautiful, big brown eyes. She gave him a small smile as she dragged over a cart covered in many different items, including sharp objects and a clipboard. The lady stopped as soon as she got over to Anti, pulling the cart around to her.

"Hello, sir. I'm going to be your nurse while you're here. If you wish, you can call me Signe. You don't even have to speak to me." She then began to write things on the clipboard, taking quick glances at Anti to check him over.

Signe then flicked out a flash light and shined it into his purple irises, smiling when they shrunk from the light. She put it back and began to write things down. Anti blinked repeatedly, wanting so desperately to rub his eyes.

"You're part demon aren't you? Yeah. We got another guy like that. He's a pretty crazy one too. Drugs don't work on him. But- he did earn his right to come out of his room. And so will you."

Signe then began to poke and prod at him with these random pieces of medical equipment. Anti never once move, but after a while, he finally spoke up.

"Where. The hell. Am I." He asked her, eyes darting directly to her. Signe popped her head in his direction, shocked he had spoken.

"Cinncinati Psyche Ward. You're a threat and danger to all society. We can't just have you walking the streets." Signe then gave him a small smile. 

Anti sighed softly, looking away from her and up at the ceiling. He had really been caught. He thought this would've been a part of his dark, demented little dream. But no. He was caught. No Felix to save his ass now. Anti's eyes then darted back over to her. She was a pretty one. If he weren't chained up and had his bat, he'd probably smack that head around the baseball diamond.

Signe sighed as she stood up straight. "Well, I'm finished here buddy. I'll get out of that brown hair of yours. Once I leave, your straps will come undone and you can freely move around your room. Lunch will be in a few minutes. No utensils for you. You're on the liquid and hand food diet for now." She swirled the cart around, about to leave.

Anti groaned softly, blurting out, "Anti"

Signe whipped around to face him, "Excuse me?"

"Anti. Call me Anti."

Signe nodded with a small smile and exited the room, leaving Anti to do what he pleased. Once the door was shut and Anti heard the click of the lock, the straps on his wrists released him. Anti sat up in his seat and began to rub his sweaty and chaffed wrists. Anti then stood up from his bed, his legs very wobbly and shaking feeling. 

As he looked around the room, he began to reflect on what Signe had said. She said another guy was like him. But how did she know he was part demon?

"It's the purple irises and black eyes, you moron." The voice in his head mocked him.

"Oh shut the hell up!" Anti yelled aloud, trying to speak to the voice. He then noticed he was just talking to himself so he cleared his throat.

Anti walked over to the door and peeped through the small, square shaped window. He could see patients and staffs alike walking past the doors. He turned slightly to get a better view of the area. He saw a couple of couches and chairs. Along with tables, a televisions, and lots of craft things. At one of the tables closest to the television, he saw a sort of built man watching the news. He had fluffy black hair and a small amount of scruff on his face.

He must have noticed Anti looked at him because he looked right over at his window. His bright reddish gold eyes flaring as he stared at Anti. Anti gasped and stumbled back from the door a bit, feeling his head pound. He grabbed at his brown locks, tugging fiercely. That must be the other guy the nurse was talking about.

"I've gotta get out of this room." Anti thought to himself.

"Guess I'm going to have to play nice." He sighed.


Hey guys! Yes, this was a shorter chapter, but that's because it was a second part to a previous part. Next part, little mister Dark gets to join this merry crew. Hope you loved it! <3

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