x. | Changes

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A/N- New cover guys! Let me know what you think of it c: Should I keep it or change it back? Let me know in the comments! Also, enjoy the cute little edit I made of artist Cosmic Chara's picture of Mark and Jack.


It was early that morning and Sean was stirring in his sleep. The demon that posessed him was playing tricks with his brain that whole night. "You're weak. What happened to the blood throsty killer that I saw only a few weeks ago?" It would taunt him.

"We're in the middle of no where. A place where kids only come to make videos of hauntings." Sean would reply, but it'd do him no good.

He jolted awake, sitting up straight in his bed. Sean steadied up his breathing, pushing his hair out of his face. He loved to kill! He loved to feel blood pour into his hands from some pathetic bitch's arteries. But this calm feeling without all of the blood lust has calmed him down a lot. Except for that little incident last night, but his emotions got the best of him.

Sean sighed and looked over at the clock. It was way to early for someone like Dark to be awake, so he decided he should stay up instead of going back to bed. He climbed out of bed and pulled on a pair of boxers. Yes, little Sean is a naked sleeper. It's comfortable, alright?

Sean made his way down the staircase and into the kitchen. "I hope Felix packed this place with some booze." He mumbled, heading to the fridge and looking inside.

Sodas, orange juice, and milk. He grumbled, shutting the fridge door. He went to the freezer, happiness surging through his body as he found a bottle of cherry vodka. He reached in and grabbed rhe frozen bottle, setting it on the counter as he retrieved a can of soda from the fridge.

He mixed the two drinks in a glass and walked to the couch. Sean nuzzled into the soft furniture, sipping on his drink. The quaint, peaceful sound of crickets outside made him feel so cozy. Along with the small amount of light coming through the windows from the sun just bsrely coming over the horizon.

This is the kind of calm that kept his demon quiet. The birds chirping and the cool fall breeze is what made him relaxed and all parts of his psychosis calm. Sean sipped more of his drink, switching the television on. He groaned quietly, still cartoons. As a new episode started, Sean sat his drink down and nuzzled into the couch more, pulling a blanket over his lower half.

A little under halfway through the episode, footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs and Dark soon appeared, rubbing his eyes. "Hey, why are you up so early?" Sean asked, picking his drink up to take a good swig of it.

Dark shrugged, stiffling up a yawn. "Heard the television. Plus I had to piss." He laughed tiredly, sitting next to Sean on the couch. He looked down to him, raising a brow.

"Are you...wearing anything?" Dark asked, earning a small laugh.

Sean moved the blanket, revealing his black and white boxers. "Yes, I am. You dirty minded weirdo."

As Sean moved the deink back to his lips, it was Dark's turn to laugh. "At least I'm not drinking booze at 6 in the morning."

"Hey, I wanted a beer. But Felix had none of the such." Sean complained, sitting his drink back down on the coffee table.

They sat in a comfortable silence after that, watching a cartoon about some sort of rock people. It had realy good music that could get stuck in your head. Sean eventually laid his head on Dark's shoulder, earning an arm around his shoulders.

Sean's heart filled with warmth, a different type of warmth than the booze gave it. He looked up to Dark, who seemed to be focused on the cartoon. A smile soread across Dark's face as he felt Sean's eyes on him. He looked down to the little Irish man, "Can I help you?" He joked, his smile fading down from goofy to a loving one.

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