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💕Macy's P.O.V💕
This will be my letter to you and I hope you see it.
Dear Jonah,
I miss you hella bad and I can't wait to see you next year in highschool I guess I saw you at Safeway the other day cause I felt my chest hurt but in a good way and my heart beating fast for no reason my stomach turned cause the butterflies turned it idk why but when I was close to you it did and it means I was with you,I wish you could see my at the concert tonight because if you did I would hug you and kiss you and never let you go cause I don't want you to go cause I love you yes I admit it I love you and I don't wanna regret it,I want to see you so bad and cuddle you and hug you and just kiss you I know that's a little cheesy and I guess I leah saw after the concert and I try to find you but you weren't there so I guess you left and I didn't see you or say hi or say I love you like I wanted but I really love you and I hope I get to see you.       

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