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Minutes. Hours. Days.

I don't even know how long it has been being stuck in this room, but what I do know is that I need to get out and find everyone else.

Sitting cross legged on the bed, I traced my fingers over the numerous scars I had received on my arms since landing here. Some were completely healed, others were scabbed over. The cuts on my wrist from Murphy were covered in fresh and clean bandages. All of the scars on my body will be a reminder of what had taken place, and what I did to try and protect my people.

The door suddenly opened with a slight hiss, and I snapped my head up, facing the masked figure. Hopping to my feet, I slowly creep forward, my fists clenched. "Who are you?" I questioned, my voice cold and my heart beat increasing.

"Holland Kane, you have been cleared from quarantine." The person said calmly, their voice slightly muffled from the suit.

I shook my head, "Quarantine? How do you know my name?" the volume of my voice slightly increased, "Where are my friends?"

"Please relax, you and your friends are safe. This is the Mount Weather Quarantine Ward and your name was on your chart. We had to ensure that you were not carrying any infection or diseases before entering the main part of the mountain." The person took off their helmet, revealing a young girl with dark brown hair and pale skin that looked as if she hadn't seen the sun in years, probably not that much older than myself.

"I'm Maya." She smiled warmly, but I could see the slight worry and intimidation in her eyes, "Please, follow me. The president would like to meet you then we can go see your friends."

I hesitantly nodded and watched Maya put her helmet on before leading me out of the white room, however the hallway wasn't much different.

My eyes darted around the hall as I walked forward, following a few paces behind Maya. My brain was screaming at me to run and find a weapon before finding the others, but I couldn't help but feel as if doing that would cause more problems then it would solve and put everyone in danger.

Walking past a mirror like window, I held back a gasp at my reflection. Healing cuts as well as bruises scattered my face. I looked almost unrecognisable. But something that caught my eye was a fading bruise at the base of my neck. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before realising where I had gotten it, and who from.

His face flashed in my mind - the countless freckles that littered his face and his dimples that entranced me whenever he smiled - as well as the feeling that I got when I was with him. The feeling of protection and security, the feeling of warmth. But, that quickly faded as I recounted the events that had occurred in our camp and how we was most likely dead.

Maybe he was alive? Maybe him and Finn made it out before the rockets? I could only hope and pray that I would be able to see him again.

Maya snapped me out of my trance, ushering me through a large door before pulling off her suit and placing it in a chute of some kind, revealing her light blue jumper and white jeans.

Without a word, she walked out of the room, coming back almost immediately, this time wheeling in a big wooden box. I flickered my gaze from her to the box as I reached my hand out to slowly to open it. There was a gold plate in the centre that had my name engraved onto it and the sides were trailed in a gold lining.

Opening the case, there were sets of shoes and jewellery along with a few outfits - mostly dresses. "Get changed, the president should be here in a moment." She said shyly, excusing herself out of the room.

Turning back to the box, I let my hands trail over the fabric of the clothing and the jewellery that lay before me. I tucked a fallen piece of hair behind my ear, staring in awe at the soft fabric that I held between my fingers.

How is this happening? What is this place? Is even this real?

Deciding on a pair of faded grey pants and a peach blouse, I slipped on the only practical pair of shoes in the box - a pair of black combat boots. The weird thing about this whole thing was that all of the clothes and shoes seemed to be my size.

Leaving the box behind, I exited the room to be met with the girl from before but this time, there were more people. "Holland, this is President Wallace." Maya introduced, nodding at the man standing next to her.

My eyes trailed over the older mans features. His hair was faded and his skin wrinkled from old age. The suit he wore was a dark blue colour, however, it was faded at the seems. He wore a small smile as he looked at me with a pleased expression. "Hello Holland, welcome to Mount Weather. I am President Wallace, you're friends have told me all about you."

"Where are they?" I ask slightly panicked.

"I can tell you are the leader of the group and feel responsible and protective for all of them - like a family?"

"They are my people. I would do anything for them." I stated, with no hesitation or falter in my words.

"You and me are alike then. You see, this mountain has kept me and my people alive for 97 years," he explained, as we began to walk down the hall. Leading me through another door, we entered a room with countless machines, humming and pumping. "Sorry about the noise, hydroelectric power from Philpot dam, fresh water from our own underground reservoirs, fresh for from our hydroponic farms." he explained making me furrow my brow. The ground is survivable so why were they living down here?

"Sorry, there's something I can't understand. You're on the ground, you know its survivable, why would you stay here, in the mountain?"

"Its not survivable for us." he said simply.

"The grounders seemed to have managed."

"Natural selection works. The grounders who couldn't survive in the radiation didn't. Those who could, passed on their DNA, for better or for worse. Here, we never went through that process."

I shook my head slightly, "Well, neither did we and we've been on the ground for.." then something clicked inside my head, "Solar radiation." I stated, feeling utterly stupid it took me this long to realise it.

"Good." he said in a pleased tone. "Your DNA ran the same gauntlet as the grounders. Only because radiation levels in space are even higher, your ability to metabolise that radiation is even stronger. Truth be told, our scientists were blown away by the efficiency of your systems. If not for that, you and your friends would still be upstairs in quarantine." he explained as we came to a stop.

I took a moment to soak it all in.

"Please," The president said, indicating for me to step into a now opened elevator. I cautiously looked around the room, noting all the guards had been following us. "You're not fighting for your life anymore, Holland. You've made it. Welcome to Mount Weather."


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