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Abbey continued to examine me, making sure none of my wounds were open and that the larger ones were dressed with bandages. Clarke sat laid on a bed beside mine, I could see her fidgeting to leave the tent and find our friends. I was too, but I couldn't exactly leave while Abbey had me wrapped in a bandage. 

"Ma'am, there's been movement in the North Woods." 


"I don't think so." she replied, glancing at me. Abbey gave both of us girls a look, knowing that we weren't intending to stay put much longer. Smiling at each other, Clarke and I hastily grabbed some clothes and threw them on, following Abbey out of the tent. 

I immediately locked eyes with Raven who was sitting beside the tent. "Raven." I breathed out, relief flooding my body, moving forward and hugging her tightly. 

"I've been waiting out here all night. Abbey said you both needed sleep." she explained, giving Clarke a hug also. I quickly noticed the cane she was using and the brace on her leg, remembering how Murphy had shot her. "Oh god, Raven..." I trailed off, not realising the extent of her injury until now. 

"It sucks, but I'm dealing with it." she said with a smile, appreciating her ability to make the most out of a bad situation.      

All of a sudden, a shout carried across the yard, "Open the gates!" and a loud buzzer sounded drawing my eyes over to the large wire fence. I squinted my eyes slightly, trying to get a good look at the figures entering camp. My eyes trailed over the features of the tall man in the front as he handed a gun over to the guards. His curly hair, his toned and tan arms, his board and muscular torso, and his deep brown eyes

"Bellamy?" I breathe, blinking a few times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I turn to Raven, smiling apologetically, "It's okay, I'll catch up." She says casually, giving me an encouraging smile. 

Giving her arm a small squeeze in thanks, I turn back and see Clarke already at Bellamy and Octavia's side and I couldn't help but smile. There was an overwhelming feeling growing inside me as I realised that he was alive and he was here. It was overwhelming joy and relief, and another feeling I couldn't quite place my finger on.

Before I could move, Clarke points in my direction making Bellamy look up, shock and surprise overcoming his bruised and battered facial features as his eyes locked on me.

We both start walking slowly towards each other, before jogging, meeting in the middle of camp. Immediately, he enveloped me in his arms, scooping me up and wrapping his arms around my lower back. 

"Fucking hell." I breathed, burying my face into his warm neck, feeling the tears being to spill, "I thought you were dead." I sobbed, not realising how much I missed this boy. For the first time since closing the dropship door, I felt complete. 

My heart raced and he wrapped me tighter in his arms, not daring to let go - almost as if he was afraid he'd lose me again. Without a word, we pulled away from the hug, and crashed our lips together. 

This kiss, wasn't like the first, it wasn't lustful or heated, it was full of passion, and dare I say it - love. 

Pulling away from me, he locked his dark brown eyes with my green ones, becoming nervous and unsure at what he was going to say next. "I love you." he breathed, wiping the tears that fell down my cheek. 

"I love you too." I replied, meaning every bit of it. A smile erupted on his face, pulling me into another kiss, making my insides erupt with butterflies. 

"I'm never letting you go again princess." he smirked, making my stomach do a million flips. "Never again." 

Another voice sounded from behind Bellamy, "You think you're not gonna let her out of your sight?" Octavia stated, walking up to the two of us, Clarke following suit. 

Chuckling at her, I immediately crushed her in a tight hug, "I'm so glad your okay."

"You too." she smiled, "I knew you were still alive, you're too stubborn to die." she teased. 

"You're damn right." Bellamy stated, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Raven finally caught up to us, a big smile plastered on her face. She gave me a wink, observing Bellamy's arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I gave her a look that said shut up, we will talk later and she just smirked. 

The happiness of the group was then cut short, "How many are with you?" Bellamy questioned, 

"None." Clarke paused, "Where's Finn?" 

I looked up at Bellamy, noticing the almost scared look on dancing across his features, "Looking for you."

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