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[Authors Note: Finally updating this again! I'm back after a long ass time which I apologise for. But I have recently become obsessed with the 100 again and of course Bellamy Blake. Watching the first season made me realise how much I had planned for Holland and Bellamy and their story, and made me wanna continue to see it through, especially with all the newer seasons! I definitely want to explore the feelings and thought processes of Bellamy and Holland and how it impacts their relationship - if they stay together that is. I can't wait for everyone to see what I have in store! Thanks for being patient with me - please enjoy! x]

The wheels of the cart squeaked as the grounder continued to push the cart to the intended destination. The whole time I remained still, knowing that if I moved an inch the reapers would have me and I would be dead.

It seemed like hours that we were being pushed in the cart until it came to a sudden stop. I looked to Anya snd Clarke who were as equally confused as me. All of a sudden, two grounders reached over the cart and pulled the body off the top of me, walking away with slight grunts.

We all remained still incase they came back, when a shriek was heard and the slice of a knife echoed through the tunnel. Taking the chance, I slowly peaked my head over the side pf the cart, the shrieks of the grounder still sounding though the tunnel. A small opening is illuminated by a small fire where all the reapers are gathered, hungrily eating away at the now dead grounder. So after the grounders are bled, Mount Weather gives them to the reapers.

Moving backwards, I nod my head to the side, indicating to Clarke that were and to leave now, to which she nods her head in approval. Turning back to Anya, she was looking down at the remaining grounder who lay in the cart, barely conscious, her hands pressed lightly to the sides of his face.

"Anya, c'mon, lets go." I plead, while Clarke looks around frantically.

"Yu gon plei ste odon." she mumbles, before moving her hands to the bottom of his chin and pulling, snapping his neck and ending his life. A mercy killing, so that he would not have to endure the torturous death of the reapers.

Without another word, we throw the clothes out of the cart, before jumping out ourselves. The reapers were distracted, allowing us to run down the tunnel and out of sight.


Pulling the jacket onto my shoulders, I follow after Clarke, jogging through the never ending reaper tunnels. "Dammit! This place is a maze." Clarke states in a frustrated tone, slightly out of breath.

Anya stops short, coughing slightly, "What are they doing to us?"

Adjusting my pants, I look at her, "They use your blood to heal them. We saw a soldier come in with radiation burns - hours later he was fine. Its like your blood is healing them somehow."

"I've never seen anything like it." Clarke pipes in. "C'mon, this way."

Keeping close to Clarke, we start down the tunnel, continuing away from the reapers but Anya seemed to have different plans. "Hey," Clarke said, turning around, "hey, what are you doing? That's the way back to the reapers."

"You go your way, I'll go mine--" 

Clarke cuts her off mid-sentence, "Anya, we need to stick together." 

"I told you, there is no we." Anya exclaims, growing more and more frustrated. 

"We saved your life." I interject, whilst wearily glancing around thinking I heard voices of the reapers. 

Anya turns to me, almost half chuckling, "You saved my life because you need me. I know the way back to your people, I know where the traps are hidden. You'd never make it alone." For a minute, I just look at her and actually think. Was that the only reason we tried to save her? Of course all I wanted to do was get back to the drop-ship, in hopes of finding out what happened to the rest of our people, and what happened to him - but we couldn't just leave her there.

Clarke continues to head off in the direction we had all traveled, whilst I stayed put, watching as Anya gave me a look that I couldn't quite read. Then she just turned in the opposite direction and jogged away. "We don't have tome for this, our best chance of making it out of here alive is together." Clarke begins, completely oblivious to the fact that Anya had just left us. 


"What?" she snaps at me, stopping in her tracks. She turns around, whilst I let out a frustrated sigh, "Anya's gone." I state, glancing behind me, noticing the light coming from one of the two tunnels, "We better go, before the reapers find us." 

Clarke lets out an exasperated sigh, before nodding In agreement, "This way." she states and we both begin to jog in that direction, both with the hope of finding a way out of this hell hole. 

It seemed like forever that we had been running, through tunnel after tunnel, every tunnel we pass looking exactly the same as the others making me feel like we had been going in circles. Both Clarke and my breathing were heavy, the lack of air in the tunnels making it harder to breathe. I took lead, Clarke falling a bit behind, turning to follow the paths of the tunnels when a torch illuminated the figure of the reaper. 

"Shit." I cursed, stopping dead in my tracks. 

Clarke slammed into me, almost knocking us both over before noticing the reaper headed towards us. 

"C'mon!" I exclaimed, grabbing Clarke's hand and pulling her back the way we came. However, that idea was squashed immediately when another reaper had emerged from there, also closing in on us. They were both mumbling and shouting words we couldn't understand, looming closer and closer.  

We both noticed a third tunnel, but as soon as we moved to follow it more reapers emerged, looking and sounding thirsty for blood.

 "Oh no..." Clarke mumbled, panic evident in her voice. The group of reapers began closing in on us, Clarke and I being forced to back into the cave wall, as the circle grew closer and closer. "Please!" Clarke begged, but it was no use, these people aren't people anymore, they are animals. 

One reaper, his faced lined wiht piercings and scars, moved closer to me, and I could feel his breath on my face as I tried to look away. I never thought I'd die like this. 

Before the reaper could touch me, a high pitched noise sounded though the cave causing all the reapers to cringe and shout in agony, moving away from Clarke and I. 

"Get back! Get away from them!" A male voice shouts, getting louder as what I presumed to be a man in a hazmat suit ran forward, holding a transmitter of some sort. "Holland Kane. Clarke Griffin. You're coming with us."

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