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Fluttering my eyes open, I'm met with the ceiling of what I presume was Mount Weather's medical centre. It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the lighting but when they did I could feel the anger rise within me. Clarke purposely hurt herself and me to get into medical, just to talk to the soldier.

The sharp pain in my head was gone, now only feeling like a dull throb. Taking in a sharp breath of air from the pain, I turn my head just in time to watch as Dr. Singh unlocks the door with her keycard before exiting the room, her heels slicking against the concrete.

Sitting up slowly, I notice Clarke next to me who's eyes were already open. "Took you long enough to wake up." She mumbled.

Rolling my eyes, I take another glance around the sterile room, "Maybe if you hadn't of slammed my head into the metal bar, I would've woken up earlier."

Getting out of bed, she motioned for me to do so as well, "Like I said, I'm sorry. But we have more important things to worry about." She said unsympatheitcally before pointing at the man laying in the hospital bed near the door - Sergeant Langston.

Treading lightly on my feet, I made my way to the left side of the bed, Clarke on the right. "Langston? Langston?" She whispers, slightly shaking the man in attempt to wake him.

My heart beat slightly increased as I looked at him, noticing the scarred and slightly blistered skin. It was markedly better from what he looked like a day ago and I couldn't help but furrow my brow in confusion. How did he heal that fast?

"What are they doing to you?" I whispered, moving his gown, exposing the dialisis shunt which now had two tubes sticking out of it. Red liquid filled the tube which I could only assume was blood. Following it with my eyes, the red tube flows into the machine then into a large pipe which disappears into another room on the opposite side of the wall.

Clarke and I look at each other, clear expressions of concern and curiosity etched onto our faces. Looking at the door that Dr. Singh disappeared into, Clarke tries pushing the door into the connecting room open, but to no luck. Sighing and dropping her arms to her side she looks at me with a look that says 'what do we do now?'

Looking at the pipe again, I follow it with my eyes to the wall. I lock my eyes on the air vent, sitting just above the pipe, an idea instantly sparking in my head.

"The vent." I whisper, walking over to it. Reaching up, I tug slightly at the metal before it comes away with a slight clang making me cringe at the noise.

Climbing through the vent, I could only imagine what we were going to find. I could hear Clarke behind me, as I reached the other end of the vent, pushing the grate out and onto the floor.

Grunting slightly, I push myself up and stand straight. My eyes instantly widened, focusing onto two bodies hanging from the ceiling by their feet. From the tattoos on their bodies, I could tell that they were grounders. As soon as Clarke stood up, a slight gasp left her lips. I was already standing in between the two grounders, my eyes fixated firmly on the tubes flowing in and out of their bodies.

My heart beat had increased rapidly, and I could feel my breathing get slightly heavier. Turning to look at Clarke who was stood still from shock, angered moans and pleas erupted from the other end of the room.

My palms were sweaty as I turned around and stepped closer, finally spotting the endless row of cages that contained even more grounder prisoners. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself as I grabbed Clarke's hand and led her forward.

Darting my eyes from grounder to grounder, some were laying in their cages, probably from being recently bled, while other sat forward, reaching out to Clarke and I. Clarke's grip on my hand got tighter as we walked past countless cages. We didn't utter a single word, me being in too much shock to comprehend any sort of sentence or phrase.

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