Part Five: Filch

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That night, Taylor had a dream about playing with Trixie. She missed having Trixie chase her. She wondered if Trixie even knew that the little bunny was her. They were both equally fast, but Taylor could jump up to higher places than Trixie.

All of the sudden, she woke up. She heard a bang outside and heard someone say, "Filch is coming!" Then a mean, ugly guy shouted, "Just because I'm a squib doesn't mean you can throw dungbombs! I'll get you for this! Maybe I'll get Professor Mcgonagall to change her mind about Dolores Umbridge!" Then he added in an undertone, "But probably not. She hated Dolores Umbridge." He continued, "She was the best thing that ever happened to this school!" Taylor knew that she didn't want to get on his bad side, by the way he was yelling. Taylor noticed that Lily was awake too. Taylor asked, "What are squibs?" Lily said, "They have magical parents, but they have no magical abilities themselves." Then Rose woke up. Lily asked her, "What are dungbombs? We overheard Filch shouting about them." Rose said, "Dungbombs are magical stink bombs. Remember when our Uncle George told us about how he and his twin, Fred, always used them for pranks on Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris." Lily said, "Oh yeah, and Filch would come running to see who did it, but he never caught them! I wish we got to meet Uncle Fred though." Rose said, "Yeah, me too." Taylor didn't know what to say, so she asked, "Who's Professor Umbridge?" Lily said, "She was one of the teachers in my dad's fifth year. She should've got a trophy for being the worst teacher ever, nevermind she doesn't even deserve a trophy! She was mean and she was from the Ministry of Magic. That year, the Minister made her the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. That let her have more power than anyone else at Hogwarts. She shouldn't have any power. Not even the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore had more power than her. One day, my dad told her and the class that Voldemort had returned. He was telling the truth. She gave him detention. In detention, he had to do lines. He had to write the words, I must not tell lies, with his own blood. It left a scar on the back of his hand with those words etched on it. At the end of the year, Professor Umbridge got beat up and chased away by a herd of centaurs, half horse and half human creatures, because she went onto their land. She didn't return to Hogwarts after that." Then she added, "My dad told me lots of things about his life at Hogwarts." Rose said, "You never told me that." Lily said, "You never asked." Taylor said, "Wow, she sounds horrible. I hope she never comes back." Then, they saw Katie coming. She said, "Good morning! Did you see the notice about Quidditch tryouts? It's on the wall by the window." They went over to look. It said that Quidditch tryouts were on September 4th. That was tomorrow! Rose pointed out the bottom. It said that all first years would be able to play from now on, but they had to go to Professor McGonagall first and have her recommend them. Since Professor McGonagall had already said they could try out, they didn't need to do this. Taylor hoped that this notice was in all the common rooms. She wanted Katelyn and Alyssa to see it.

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