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The bus is dark and I know I'm alone. Heat feels nonexistent and the only sounds heard aloud are the muffled sobs I can no longer contain. I have no idea how long I've been on this bus. Hours? Days? I don't believe I'll ever know. I fear for what is ahead of me. These tests are too much for someone like me. I remember hearing my mother say I'm not nearly as old as the others. That I was really only chosen due to my high academic standing. She told me I have to pass or I can't come home. I fear for what is in my future. I am only 16 but in this world I'm not that young anymore. I had everything ahead of me, college, a happy marriage, a happy life. I honestly don't believe in my heart that I'm ready for children. 

Outside of the fogged up window, through the howling wind I can almost hear soft animal cries, but I cannot see the animals. The moon cascading through the window is like silk cascading from a spool. It is still silent, but the sound of  heavy chattering is evident. I soon realize that it's only my teeth from the chills crawling up from the base of my spine. My cries become louder and I feel the soft droplets of the hot  tears against my skin. 

My leg becomes cramped and I notice that I honestly can't remember the last time I moved from my spot. The movement of the bus stops and curiously I get up to look out of the nearby window. A line of buses appear before me and I know I am the last to arrive.

A pang of fear appears in my chest after the unnecessary abrupt stop and I fight to keep down the nervous sickness rising within my gut. A long nervous pause is held before I am asked to exit the bus. I do so slowly as not to arouse suspicion of my immature fears and hurry inside to see what awaits me.

The building is a Victorian style house with a fence which I suspect is to keep us from leaving. Cameras are obviously placed all around the facility to let us know that we're being watched. I feel the eyes of a million viewers as I open the doors to to the future I never asked for. I was met by a beautiful stairwell made of cobblestone and hanging light fixtures all around me. Candle light projects itself from an antique candelabrum. Ahead of me I see a small gathering room with people in it and I decide to enter.

There are 9 people in front of me; 5 boys and 4 girls. I am greeted with hellos and how are yous as soon as I walk into the seemingly brighter room. I take a step back before almost falling apart. Now I know that I can no longer be a child. In 6 months I may be a mother, a caregiver, but not a child. I have to learn from this experience and go home a mother and wife.

A silence strikes the room like a blade to a stone. A woman exerting power and brilliance walks into the room. She looks at us wearily like she's about to give a speech she's given many times before. She strides gracefully into the middle of the room and speaks.

"Hello. My name is Crystal Kline and I will be your mentor. In front of me I have 10 beautiful people.I hope to see you all on the last day also. The next 6 months will be full of trials. Not of academic or physical ability but to see if you're ready to parent the next youth of Aranium. Later I will speak to you all in private to get your first assessment done but for now I must go. I will see you all soon" and walks out of the room.

Caprice is to the right of me. She's 18 years old and has experience with motherhood. When she was 15 her mother died leaving her with her 18 month old sister. She has raised her for the past 3 years. She really looks at her little sister like a daughter. As she speaks of her she develops a proud maternal smile. She pulls out a picture of the child named Emmaline to show me and I notice they look unmistakably the same. "Who is she staying with now" I ask in a polite tone, but she doesn't reply and looks away sadly.

To the left of me is Reese. She is 19 and an only child. She has lived with her grandmother since she was two. Her mother was caught doing indecent things by a neighbor and was sentenced to life in federal prison. Reese hasn't seen her mother since.

Left of Caprice is Lorelai. She has had an amazing life from what she's said. Rich family and a pure bloodline has kept her in the spotlight of this group. She looks at Caprice frequently but I couldn't tell you why.

The last girl in the row is Virginia. She's utterly beautiful. An amazing smile and a heartwarming laugh helps brighten up everyone in the room. She has 3 brothers and 4 sisters with her being the youngest. Her bloodline and genetics were so good they expected them to parent more kids than usual.

Across from us are the boys. Ajax and Zander side by side are known as the only twins to enter the tests. They've had a difficult and confusing life. When they were 5 their father died of brain cancer and soon after their mother died of a heart attack. They were separated for 3 years following the deaths of their parents. When they were 8 full custody of both of them was given to their aunt where they have been staying for the last 11 years. They're both 19 now and ready to start families of their own.

Jaxx is next to Zander and I learn he's 17 years old. He looks as if he's been crying. He has a baby face yet I fear the hateful vibe radiating off of him in large amounts. He's lived with his mom his whole life and never knew his dad. The only men in his life were the ones in his mom's bed.

Phoenix is 19 years old with countless judicial records. Sex, drugs, vandalism, he's done it all. I have absolutely no idea why he was chosen. A small minded delinquent with no obvious future is usually not wanted or needed in our small successful government. I look away with fear that one look into his eyes will tell it all.

The last person in front of me is Rhett. He's built like a rock and is dressed like lower class. I assume his family is poor since his clothes are torn and dirty. He doesn't talk much and gives off a heavily shy vibe. His hair is unkempt and the smell of must is highly noticeable. I try to ignore the hatred seething with the smell of dead animals. Why is he here?

And me? I'm Scarlett. A small 16 year old girl with a future as bright as the sun. Or that was my future until this became my fate. I was abused in my childhood years. I witnessed my father being murdered at 7. My mother almost died giving birth to me and never lets it be forgotten. Now here I am. At the tests. That will dictate the rest of my life.

My heart stops as I'm called for my evaluation. I walk across the room all eyes on me and stride in the office of Senator Jacob King and notice Crystal sitting there. The door slams behind me when I take my seat.

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