Ch. 12: Crash and Kiss

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<~Ally's POV:

"C-Cody is your boss?" I stutter. Now I'm really scared.

Ethan nods, and something tells me he is stating the truth. I bite my lip nervously before rushing to my car.

"Where are you going!" Ethan calls after me.

"To find Austin and Annie!" I answer back before getting in the car and driving away leaving Ethan standing alone in the driveway.

I seriously have no idea where Austin went. I have a feeling that he's not far since his car is still at home. He must've been planning on coming back. He just wanted Annie to be safe. That is so sweet. I just wish I knew where he was. I miss him and I just want to give him a big hug...and for him to wrap his arms around me. I want my true love with me. Without him I feel empty inside and scared. I wish I would have just listened to Austin. I don't know what has gotten into my head.


<~Austin's POV:

Finally Olivia's house is in sight. I had run the whole five miles through LA traffic just to get here so Annie would be safe. If I would have taken the car Ethan could have found me.

Annie begins to stir and she wakes up and stares at me, "Daddy? Where are we?" She asks sleepily.

I hold her close and kiss the top of her head, "Don't worry sweatheart. It's someplace safe." I said comfortingly.

"Where's mommy?" She asks, worry filling her eyes.

"She's okay too." I sigh. I hope that's true anyways.

Annie yawns again and rests her head on my chest again.

I knock on Olivia's door.'s like 8:00 in the morning and Olivia sleeps in until its not even morning anymore! I try knocking again and I can hear someone groaning and walking to the door.

"Why are you here so early- Austin!" Olivia greets me half asleep until she notices it's me.

I sigh, "I'm sorry for coming so early but I need you to watch her."

"Why?" Olivia asks, she didn't seem very excited with the idea.

"Just please...I'll explain later." I said. She nods finally and I carry Annie into the house, "She'll probably sleep the whole time anyways." I assure her. I lay Annie down on the couch.

"Awe she's kinda cute actually." Olivia gushes, starring at Annie.

"I'll be back...I just need to get Ally." I say before rushing back out the door.

"Austin, what happened!" Olivia called after me, worried.

I ignored her questions and decided to borrow her car. I had swiped the keys off the hook when I was in there. Olivia won't care anyways and I need to get back to Ally fast. I shouldn't have just left her there. Unfortunately I get stuck in a long line of cars, it appears that theres a car crash up ahead. I watch as someone is loaded into the ambulance---wait a minute that's Ally!

"Ally!" I scream and rush over to her. The paramedics gave me weird looks.

"Who are you?" A man asks.

"I'm her husband." I answer. He nods allowing me to ride with her. Why is it always Ally to get hurt.


It's been five hours and Ally still hasn't woken up from her coma. I keep waiting for that magical moment where she opens up her eyes. The doctors have told me that she has multiple bruises, a broken arm, and a sprained ankle. They claim that is a small amount of injuries for how bad of an accident it was.

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