Ch. 30: Bad Luck

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<~Austin's POV:

Axel was asleep in my arms. I can't believe how much he's grown in the month I've been gone.

I felt eyes on me and when I looked around, Ally was watching me. I smile at her.

"What? You two are cute!" Ally says, smiling back at me.

Holding Axel in one arm, I opened up my other arm gesturing for her to come here. She teasingly rolls her eyes before walking into my arms. I wrap my free arm around her shoulder and hold her close, giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

"I missed you." Ally says.

"I know." I smirk and she shoves my arm off her.

"Lets cut that ego in half." She jokes.

I shake my head, "Not unless you want him to have it." I chuckled, looking down at Axel.

Ally smiles, "Oh that's the last thing he needs."


Later that evening, Ally and I were cuddling on the couch together. Her head was lying perfectly on my chest. All you could really hear was the sounds of our breathing.

I was half asleep until I heard Ally's voice.

"Austin, I've been thinking..." She trails off.

"Thinking what?" I yawned, stretching my arms out and wrapping them around her.

Her hands rested on my bare chest, "I want another baby." She told me.

My eyes went wide and I turned to look at her, "Sweetie Axel is only a month old."

"What- no not right now!" She clarified, "Like next year or something."

"Okay well that makes more sense. You scared me baby." I say, closing my eyes again.

I felt her press her lips against mine and I couldn't help but kiss back.

She pulls away, "I love you." She says before kissing my lips again.

"I love you too." I whispered against her lips.

<~Ally's POV:

I woke up the next morning on the couch with my head resting on Austin's chest. This reminded me of when we were teenagers just 16-17 years old. When we used to go over to each others houses and accidentally fall asleep together on the couch.

(A/N: Seven years ago. Austin and Ally are 17.)

"Austin!" I exclaimed as my boyfriend arrived at my house. I just love it when he comes over. I jumped up on him, wrapping my legs around his torso.

"Hi baby." He replies giving me a kiss and setting me back on the ground.

We laid down on the couch together, I snuggled in beside him. There's no such thing as a better boyfriend than Austin.

<~End of Flashback~>

My thoughts were stopped when Austin woke up. He started kissing my neck a little bit.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. I wasn't complaining, just curious.

"Loving on you." He answers and I smile. I leaned over and kissed his nose.

Another smile crosses his face.

"I better go check on Axel." I say after sending him another smile.

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