Ch. 21: Baby Moon

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<~Ally's POV:
I took a deep breath as the next contraction slowly went away. I could feel myself shaking.

"Austin, I'm really scared." I say nervously.

"Don't be. I promise everything will be okay." He assures me.

"But it hurts." I continued, my eyes beginning to water.

"Ally, trust me your gonna be alright. You've done this before, and now your even stronger."

"B-but it's not the same. Last time was different. I wasn't afraid last time. It didn't hurt this much..." I say swallowing hard.

The doctor came in. I was unsure what he would say. All I really know is the fact that I'm terrified. What if my baby isn't okay. What if I died. What if something worse happens. I could feel myself breathing heavier from all the fear I was giving myself.

"You're fully dilated however it can be dangerous to begin if your shaking this bad. Miss, you really need to calm down." The doctor says.

"B-but I'm scared, I can't calm down. I feel like I'm gonna die!" I cried.

"I think we're gonna have to start the birth no matter what. The water has already broke." The doctor decides.

Austin comes over beside me and holds my hand. His touch makes me feel better. I'm just glad that this time we're doing this together.

<~Annie's POV:
"Alright Annie what do you want to do for something fun?" Olivia asks me. I don't remember her being this nice.

I smiled, "First I want my puppy Pinkie then I wanna ride a pony!"

"A puppy and a pony?" Olivia answers, "I-I don't know about that."

"Please." I begged.

Olivia sighs, "Fine, but I don't know where your gonna find a pony to ride."

I giggled and Olivia drove to my house. We went to get Pinkie and then we set out to some pony riding place.

"Annie I seriously have no idea where you ride a pony." Olivia says.

"What about a zoo?" I suggested as we passed by the zoo. I know that there are ponies there. I've saw them before.

"Alright we'll try the zoo." Olivia says and she goes to the zoo.

I skipped up to the entry gate. Olivia was coming behind me. I wish grown ups walked faster.

"Excuse me do you offer pony rides?" Olivia asks some random man behind the gate.

"Yes, ten dollars for a ten minute ride." The man answers.

I smile. Finally I get to ride a pony!

"Alright, one pony ride please." Olivia says.

The man hands her a little piece of paper and directs us somewhere. This must be where the pony rides are.

"C'mon Annie, lets go find the pony." Olivia says and I ran after her.


"I wanna ride that one." I say pointing to the little white pony with brown spots.

I was lifted onto the pony and someone was leading me around! It was the funnest thing ever! I noticed Olivia taking pictures of me. I had a huge smile on my face. Wait until I tell mommy and daddy!

<~Austin's POV:
"Meet your new baby boy." The doctor says handing me my newborn son.

I held him in my arms. This is one of the happiest moments of my life. I'm holding my new baby only seconds after being born.

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