Ch. 17: Big Smiles

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<~Ally's POV:
Finally we've gotten off the plane. I feel so sick right now.

"Mommy, you don't look so good." Annie says carrying Pinkie in her arms.

"I'm okay...just air sick from being in a plane so long." I assured her.

We got into a taxi which would take us to our new house. Austin wanted to surprise Annie and I.

"You guys are gonna love the new house." Austin guarantees.

"I better." I joke forcing a laugh.

"You will baby." He replies. I smile and he gives me a peck on the lips.

We drive for a while longer.

"Okay, close you eyes." Austin says. Annie and I both cover our eyes.

"Annnnd open!" He says finally and I see before me our beautiful new house!

"Austin!" I gasped, "It's beautiful!"

"It's ginormous!" Annie exclaims starring at the new house.

"I knew you guys would like it!" Austin chuckles.

"Pinkie and I are going to have so much fun!" Annie shouts.

Austin and I laugh. He wraps his arm around me as we drive up into the driveway. Annie is the first one out. She and Pinkie race to the door.

"Annie don't forget the door is locked." I reminded her. She skids to a stop.

"Hurry up and open it! I wanna look!" Annie yells excitedly. I think she might be a bit too excited.

Austin grabs the key and opens the door for her, "Alright go explore." He tells her. She rushes in with Pinkie following behind her.

I hadn't even gotten out of the car yet. Being five months pregnant, I'm in no hurry.

Austin comes and helps me out, not that I needed help.

"Thanks." I mumbled. It really bothered me that I was becoming so helpless. Austin had done pretty much everything.

"The moving truck should be here any minute with all our stuff." Austin says and he kisses my cheek.

I sigh knowing that I would be pretty much useless there too.

"What wrong beautiful?" Austin asks and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

I shrug and stay quiet.

He nudges me again, "C'mon, tell me." He urges.

I sigh, "It's just...I'm so helpless and I always make you do all the work...I don't like watching you do everything."

"Sweetie, I don't mind really and besides it's not your fault. I think that your doing all the work if you ask me." He explains.

"Me? How am I doing all the work?" I laugh. I haven't done anything.

"Well your the one carrying around a baby inside you. You cook and clean, take care of Annie. Your not helpless." He assures me. I start feeling a little better.

"I guess. Thanks Austin." I say, a smiling forming on my lips.

He smiles back, "Why don't you go check on Annie and I'll bring in all these boxes." He suggests.

"Okay." I say and begin my way inside. It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside I think.

My eyes land on the footprints and paw prints on the floor. How could she already have made a mess! We've been here for five minutes!

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