Ch 10: Stuck in the momment

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The last thing i could think of, was crying , i didnt even know that i fell asleep. I woke up and was on Niall's chest, and the rest of the boys were by us to, they must have carried me out and down here when i fell asleep, but didnt i lock the door? maybe i didnt . I smoothly made it out of Niall's hands and went back up to my bedroom , i had my picture album out , exept it was the one of me and josh , was the fight really bad? all i remeber was the text and i dont know if i texted back . I picked up my phone and saw what it said

-6 new messages-

From: Desi

What happend!? Is it true?

From Desi


Josh is crying hes freaking out ! We need to talk call me !

From: Jason

Please talk to him , Im sure he didnt mean what he said 

From: Josh

Boo.... Im sorry , I shouldnt have yelled at you ..

From: Josh

I bet you hate me now .. Im sorry boo its just i still love you

From: Brianna

OMG LEXI! are you dating !?

I didnt want to respond to all of them , i just threw my phone across the room , i heard a crack , great i broke it i bet. I walked downstairs and saw that the boys were still sleeping , Lovely , I walked outside the house , threw on some sunglasses, and walked around . People all around were talking about the magazin , I wanted to shout out its not real we are just friends! , but then people would know that i was out in public. I found a bench at a park , and i sat there , i didnt care if i was there forever , I just needed to think, I had been sitting there for about an hour, and then someone grabbed me.

-Liam-(: New P.O.V

I woke up on the phone , My back hurt really bad , but it was worth it , after the whole magazin thing happend , we all felt bad for her , When we went up to her room it was locked, but we got it open , Luckly the girls werent that far away so we called El , and she picked the lock for us . Niall went and picked her up her carried her downstairs and held her , I saw the way he looked at her , he had true feelings for her. When i looked up at niall she was gone, I got up ran upstairs and saw she wasnt anywhere , I ran back downstairs in a panic

"GUYS WAKE UP!!!" I screamed!

"What the heck Liam!?" Harry spat

"SHES GONE!!!!" i yelled

The second i said she was gone , i saw niall jump up , he had a worried look on her face ! where did she go!? , We got our cloths on , and got into the car , we drove everywhere , We looked at all the parks , We even looked at Nandos, We called the girls , she was nowhere. I heard my phone ringing , it was paul i picked it up

"Paul Lexi is gone" I say

"Guys just get over to the studio now" Paul says and hangs up the phone

I told the boys where to go and we raced to the studio, we all ran inside , and got to paul , he turned on the tv and watched


Tonigt we recived a message that the new girl one direction was with yesterday has been kidnaped , The girl was in the park , and many witnesses and seen a girl get dragged away , and was trying to get help , but they didnt know it was her because she had sunglasses on , and the guy looked like her father. We have news that her father , Andrew Polasky was released from jail today , and We have had contact with her Mother sara , and her Step - dad Tod , and they said , He couldnt have known where she was because she banished her father from her life , after he hit her when she was young , We believe that someone was helping her father , and we believe that her father indead took her .

Paul turned off the tv , and looked at all of us , i was shoked , She didnt tell us about her real father , i see why , but if thats who kidnaped her where was she now ?

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