ch 29: I cant believe this

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When i found out that Justin bieber was coming to the London , my heart like exploded, Not only was i a hard core directioner of cource! , but i was also a bieliber ♥

I sat on the couch with El , and Dani  pulling up the ticket place, i clicked on justin bieber , but the seats were sold out.. :(

"Awww Lexii" Dani said

"Its okay, Ill live" I said

"I know how much you wanted to go see him" El said

"Really girls its fine, Im going to go running tell the boys where i went please" I said getting up and leaving the house.


I hated seeing her upset , i know she wanted to go see him in concert so bad, but wait hadent the boys meet jb one time? mayben they could call and get her some tickets.

Dani and i ran upstairs, and yelled for the boys to get downstairs now, we went back down and sat on the couch.

"What!!!" Harry yelled

"Sit your butt down all of you" Dani said

"Girls we were sleeping" Lou said

"Wheres lexi?" Ni asked

"Shes running but guys shes upset" I said

"What ?! why !?" Niall said

"She went to go get jb tickets, and they were sold out" I said

"Omg the biebes" Liam said

"The point is, you guys meet him , could you call him" Dani siad

"Maybe we could work somthig out, ill call paul" Harry said

"Could i go with her!?!" Niall stamperd

"Niall.. your so wierd" Dani said


I ran all the way to town , and got some coffe, i sat down at the tables, I saw someone sit down infront of me, i looked up and it was.. believe it or not...


I tried to go all fan girl, but it didnt work , i went about crazy

"How are you today lexi" He asked

"Im really goo-ood, how do you know my name" I asked

"Well your friends told me you didnt have any tickets to my concert" He said

"omg.. " I said

"So here are some tickets, there in the front row , and i think i know whos going to go with you" He said

"Omg thank you thank you , can i have a hugg" I yelepd

I hugged him , and got a picture with him , and then he left, and i ran back home.

"Omg what di you guys do!?!" I yelled when i walked in'

"Well we called Love" Niall said

"Well i have an extra ticked " I said , Niall smiled

"Im taking you babe " I said sniggling into his chest,

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