Yuu's Fight

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I watched as Shinoa's Colored eyes gazed down at the oddly violent photo of the Vampire Prince. What intigued me the most about her was the way her eyes stared at the picture in the book. Her expression had a smile on it, which was odd for a girl who was looking at a vampire nearly ripping a person to shreds.

The look in her eyes appeared to be relivinf a distant memory, the type of memory you'd want to cherish forever. As she stared at the page, she held a corner of the book's page and sighed.

When she realized what she was doing, she snapped back to reality and turned her gaze to me. She closed the book and smiled at me.

"So, uh," she began, "why do you want to learn to much about Mika-" She cleared her throat. "I mean, Prince Mikaela. What made a jock like you so interested in books?"

I shooky head when I heard her say the word "jock", but I ignored it completely. "I want to know more about his past."

Shinoa gave me a concerned loom and frowned. "H-his past?"

"Yeah," I said. "I also want to know why he hates blood so much. I mean, he's a powerful vampire, after all."

"I guess we can start with that," Shinoa replies. The concerning look on her face slowly fades away as she lifts a book from the table and shows it to me. "Here, this talks about Prince Mikaela and his mother, the Queen."

"Thanks," I say, taking the book from her hand and reading the title, which was called Vampire Royalty. It wasn't a thick book. It had about a hundred pages for me to read, no problem.

"This should let you learn about Mika." Her smile disappeared a little, making her less cheerful and more upset. She looked down for a moment, then pressed her lips together when she looked back at me.


"Um, wait," I tell her with a bit of confusion in my tone. "Did you say Mika?"

Stunned, she looked around awkwardly then began to shake her head. "M-Mika? No, I meant to say Mikaela, or um, Prince Mikaela."

"Oh... alright." I stood up from my dusty old chair and held the small book in my arm. "Well, I have to go. My brother is waiting for me at home." I waved goodbye as i disappeared into the maze of untouched bookshelves. I found the exit quickly and left Shinoa in the library.

Mika... Mika... Mika... a nickname?



hen next day, I sat down at an empty table in the cafteria. I was waiting for Kimizuki, who was in a lunch line to order his lunch.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Shinoa enter through the doors of the cafeteria. Her slightly curled hair bounced as she shyly walked into the giant room filled with shouting students.

"Shinoa!" I called out, trying to be louder than everuone else. Maybe she'd here me.

Bewildered, Shinoa frowned as her beautiful eyes searched the room for whoever called out her name. Our eyes met, and ahe began to smile. I slightly stood up from my table and motioned my arm to invite her to come and sit with me.

"Who are you waving at?" My attention turned towards Kimizuki, who was holding a tray filled with food.

"Shinoa," I said, looking back at the shy girl walking to our table. She nodded at me, greeting me silently.

"Shinoa...?" Kimizuki says, finally noticing Shinoa. I saw a look of amazement on his face as he stared into her eyes. "Her eyes... they're beautiful," he muttered, although Shinoa could hear him, despite all the clamour surrounding us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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