Mary goes up to Riker's door
Mary: I'm leaving Riker thanks for trying
He doesn't say anything back but Mary and Riker both start crying harder
Rocky takes Mary to the nearest hotel and stays for a while to comfort her...he left at 2 AM. He ran up the stairs to Riker's room and opens the door
Rocky: do you even care how heartbroken she is
Riker: yeah I care
Rocky: she was in the bathroom throwing up...that's how heartbroken she is
Riker: bro okay I get it
Rocky: and you know how she said it was Emma who made her have an eating disorder, made her cut herself and made her depressed? I wouldn't doubt that she'll do all those things again but this time YOUR the reason.
Riker was crying again
Rocky slammed Riker's door shut and went into his own room lied in his bed and thought about nothing but Mary....Riker lied in his bed replaying "I hate you Riker" in his head