Epilogue Happily Ever After

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    He took me to the hospital at three in the morning, The pain is absolutely awful! I've been here THREE hours! I screamed in agonizing pain each time the doctor told me to push. He told me I was doing great and was almost done. Once last push was all it would take. Seems easy right? WRONG! I screamed at the top of my lungs as my baby entered the world. The sound of his cry was a sign of new life. A beautiful creation that Kayleb and I made.


"Mrs. Pascrella, congratulations, it's a bouncing baby boy!" Cody, my old co-worker congratulated me, handing me my beautiful son. I was exhausted, but I wanted to see my baby,


"He looks like you," I said, smiling up at Kayleb. He looked down lovingly at us.


"Anthony James Pascrella," I murmured softly


          The rest of my family came in and cooed over my six pound, seven ounce baby boy. His light golden hair covered his head like a small blanket. My eyes drifted shut, a smile on my face. My fairytale was now finally complete.

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