Chapter 29: A fairy tale

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While the Shadow Alliance continued the attack against Gaunter O'Dimm forces, our heroes spend the night in a shelter and tried to find the place where the ship which would take them to Oban. Savage looked at the map and did not know where the area with the ship should be.

"I have lived here since my mother born me, but where is this place?" said Savage

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"I have lived here since my mother born me, but where is this place?" said Savage

"Amigo, take a break, you look for hours at that stupid map," said Lambert

"So, Jennifer and Avallach used magic to see if you recognize the place, but you don't," said Mason

"So, that place exists in real life and Savage doesn't remember it or is just an illusion?" said Lucas

"People usually say the magic is just an illusion, so?" said Edward

"Illusion or not, Keeper will try to trick us if Savage is here and Mother Talzin brings the army here?" said Belasko

"So you suggest the place we are searching for is hidden because a powerful spell," said Tracy

"Maybe the person who sends this map here, puts the spell as a protection to don't let unauthorized people find the ship," said Mason

"You are from Beacon Hills, right? How you manage to find something that doesn't want to be found?" said Edward

"The perfect example in our case, the Nemeton," said Jennifer

"What is the Nemeton and why is so hard to be found?" said Savage

"A Nemeton was a sacred space of ancient Celtic religion. Nemeta appears to have been primarily situated in natural areas, and, as they often utilized trees, they are often interpreted as sacred groves. However, other evidence suggests that the word implied a wider variety of ritual spaces, such as shrines and temples. Evidence for nemeta consists chiefly of inscriptions and place-names, which occur all across the Celtic world. Toponyms related to the word Nemeton occur as far west as Galicia, Spain, as far north as Scotland, and as far east as central Turkey," said Avallach

"The word is related to the name of the Nemetes tribe living by the Rhine between the Palatinate and Lake Constance in what is now Germany, and their goddess Nemetona," said Belasko

"Also, the Nemeton can be only be seen by the mythical creatures who use their mythical eyes," said Tracy

"For example, a werewolf who doesn't use his glowing eyes can't see the Nemeton," said Lucas

"So, if the magic is an illusion how we suppose to find something on a magical planet?" said Lambert

"There's always a bit of truth in legends," said Mason

"You mean here must be a sacred place known only by the people who live here?" said Jennifer

"Big guy, you lived your life here, so you have an idea where we should go?" said Lambert

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