Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

            I look at my reflection in the mirror. I have bags under my eyes due to my recent lack of sleep. I sigh. I need to get some sleep.

            I lean into the shower and turn the hot water on. I undress and step in. Unlike most mornings, I take a long time to wash my body and my hair as I think about last night’s dream.

            Was that really a dream? Was it some sort of vision? The rational part of my mind is telling me that it was just a crazy dream caused by my wild imagination. I mean, who in their right mind would believe me? A person on drugs, maybe.

            I start rinsing the soap out of my hair. Deep down, I know it wasn’t just a dream, but I don’t want to admit it and sound crazy. Even if it was a dream, how could my mind make up something like that?

            Most normal people don’t have dreams about imaginary people talking to them about magical books. Most people dream about things they want in life. But of course, I can’t be normal for once. Like always, I’m the odd one out.

            I step out of the shower and continue my routine: get dressed, brush my hair, put makeup on, and brush my teeth.

            I look in the mirror. The striped blue and white short sleeved shirt and white shorts make me look even tanner. I slip on some sandals and I am ready to leave. I grab all my belongings and head out the door.

            Once I get to the library, I notice that I am about thirty minutes early. I don’t feel like heading in right now, so I’ll just go to the coffee shop down the street.

            As I pull away from the library, I notice a black car behind me. I ignore it. I turn onto the highway and see that the car is still behind me. I look back in confusion. Wow, I must be really paranoid. Everyone takes the highway to get places. I shake the weird feeling off and continue driving down the road.

            I sigh in relief as I pull into the coffee shop. But my relief is short lived. The black car has followed me. My stomach starts to feel queasy. I decide that the best place to be right now is in the crowded coffee shop. I park my car and all but run into the shop.

            Luckily, I don’t see anyone follow me inside. I walk up to the friendly-looking cashier and I tell her my order. After she tells me it will be a few minutes until it is ready, I sit down at one of the tables.

            Why was someone at the library before it even opened? I know it wasn’t Jason, because he still hasn’t returned any of my calls and he wouldn’t try and freak me out like that. I sigh. I wonder where he is. I hope he is okay.

            “Iced caramel latte!” the barista yells. I walk up to the counter and take my drink after muttering my thanks. I walk out to my car, and luckily, the black car is gone. I get in my car and take a sip of my coffee. I sigh in content.

            After getting to the shop without an incident, I unlock the front doors and step right in. The smell of old books fills my nostrils. I smile. I wouldn’t trade this place for the world.

            I walk to the front desk and set my coffee down. I groan. This desk is a mess. There are papers everywhere.

            I pause. That’s weird… I don’t remember taking any of these papers out. When I take a closer look, I notice that they are the library’s previous shipment orders. I stare at the pages dumbfounded. Who took these out?

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