Chapter Eleven

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The Book Keeper

Chapter Eleven

            I open my eyes to see the sunlight shining through my curtains. I roll over onto my back, blinking quickly to rid the sleep out of my eyes. That’s weird; the sun has never bothered my eyes before.

            Looking around my room slowly, I start to notice that my vision has improved. I had 20/20 vision before, but now I feel as if I can actually see better. Now that I think about it, before now I couldn’t see the dust coating my fan or the pattern of the fabric on my curtains. I have never seen these small details before.

That is because you are a werewolf.

            I think about it for a moment. I wonder what it actually means to be a real werewolf.

What is it like? What can I do now that I couldn’t when I was human? What all do I need to know? Do I have to shift every full moon? I ask, bombarding my wolf with questions.

Slow down, I can answer all your questions if you can be patient.


Now that you are a werewolf, you can see better, hear better, and smell better. You are faster and stronger than any human male, even a body builder. No, you don’t have to shift during every full moon. You can shift whenever you please. You have more abilities, but not until you find a pack to be a part of.

            That gives me a lot to think about. I slowly get out of bed, waiting for the soreness of last night’s events. However, it doesn’t come. I wonder why.

I forgot to tell you. You also heal faster. You aren’t as easily hurt and it takes you a fraction of the time it takes a human to heal.

            I have so much to learn about being a wolf. I sigh. How did I turn? I didn’t get bit or anything, even though I have a gut feeling telling me that isn’t how it works. I don’t think my parents are werewolves. I am sure they would have told me.

            I stand up and walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I start the shower and slowly undress. As I look in the mirror, I notice I literally have no imperfections. I have no acne on my face. My skin is unbelievably smooth and soft. I run my fingers through my hair and notice that even my hair is softer.

            As I get closer to the mirror, I gasp when I look at my eyes. They’ve changed colors! I look down and grip the granite counter top. Taking a deep breath, I look back up. Instead of the homey hazel color they were yesterday, they are now a bright gold.

            How is that possible? They don’t even look all that natural. I guess it’s possible, but I doubt anyone would believe me if I said they weren’t contacts. I take a minute to think about it and decide to just go with the flow. Looking myself in the eye, I am amazed at the beauty of the color. The gold seems to be melted gold, swirling around like liquid.

             I finally decide to get in the shower when I notice the mirror is starting to fog up. Letting the hot water surround me, I feel my muscles relax. The knots in my shoulders start to dissipate. I sigh in content.

            I wash my body and my hair. I even take the time to shave my legs carefully so I do not miss a single hair. After the warm water runs cold, I get out.


            “Alpha, is something wrong?” my Beta asks. “I’m fine,” I tell him, in a gruff tone. He looks at me with a skeptical expression. I ignore him, because I don’t even know.

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