Chapter Seven

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The Book Keeper

Chapter Seven

What do I do now? Jason is one of them... Whoever them is... I sigh in frustration. This can't be happening. I trusted him. My guard was down when I was around him. Thank God he didn't find out about my lab. I would have been thoroughly screwed.

I look at the clock and notice that it is nowhere near time to go home. I groan. I sit down at my desk ready to put my head down when in walks a young girl. I smile politely at her and ask if I can help her with anything. She just smiles back and shakes her head.

While she is looking around, I decide it's time to put away books checked in yesterday. I don't even bother looking at the titles; I just scan them and put them in my bin. About halfway through, the girl comes up to the desk.

"Ready to check out?" I ask. She nods and hands me her library card. I check her book out and hand it back to her. "Thank you," she tells me. I just simply smile at her.

Now that I'm alone, I'm going to finish the last of the books and then put them away. Once I am finished, I look at the clock and it is closing time. Thank the sweet baby Jesus.

I close up the library and prepare to enter my lab. As soon as I walk in, I am ready to get started.

February 8th, 1744


Niram is pacing back and forth in what seems to be a bedroom. He is so angry; I can almost see the steam come out of his ears. (Almost)

"She betrayed me. I actually fell for the human. She tricked me. I should have been smarter than her. She is INFERIOR to me. I am the alpha male and I deserve respect. All women must be like this. Dammit, I'm done. Screw what putrid humans call love," he says, punching the wall.

He practically runs out of the room and I follow him in curiosity.

After a while, he finally comes to a stop in front of a bar. He takes a deep breath before he walks in. For about an hour, he sits in the corner, looking at all the women in the room. He seems to be judging them.

I guess he finally sees one he likes. She is a tall brunette wearing a corset dress with her chest hanging halfway out. He walks up to her slowly. She stares at him as if she's in a trance. She shakes her head as if to clear it.

She walks up to him seductively and whispers something in his ear. He smiles and nods his head. He leads her out and I follow them.

He opens the door to his room. I stay out in the hallway as I know exactly what they are about to do. I take a seat on the floor and wait for what seems an eternity until the moaning stops. I sigh in relief.

Unfortunately, my relief is quickly shattered when I hear the woman scream. I scramble to stand up. A few agonizing moments pass and Niram finally leaves the room with the lifeless girl in his arms. Tears start falling down my cheeks.

I'm back in my lab. I sigh. This seems so crazy and unrealistic. I can't believe it, yet I can see it?

*Later that night*

I lay in bed, tired from the day's vision. I stare at the ceiling while my mind wanders. Eventually my eyes start to slowly close and the dream begins.

The lady from one of my dreams stands before me. "Hello, Aaliyah," she smiles and I can only weakly smile back.

"Last time we met I told you to keep the books safe. I am sure you have wondered how you could possibly keep them safely hidden," I nod, "and I, of course, will not leave you unable to defend them or yourself. Soon I will be sending you a warrior to train you and teach you everything you need to know. You can trust him. As of right now, he is the only one besides me that you should trust," she says.

"Who are you?" I ask. She smiles and says, "My name is JoAnna and I am the first book keeper."

The next few days pass without incident That is, until I wake up with an extremely attractive man standing in my bed room. I sit up faster than I thought possible. "Don't be alarmed. I am the one that JoAnna mentioned," he tells me. "Oh. Okay..."

"My name is Jayvon. And I assume you are Aaliyah?" she asks. I nod my head at him. He seems to realize something and says "I'm sorry for barging in on your privacy and frightening you. Those were not my intentions." "It's okay," I say honestly.

"I need to get ready though," I said. "Of course! I will being waiting in your living room," he says as he leaves.

What the hell?

I shower, put jean shorts and a t-shirt on, do my makeup, and walk out of my room. I smell something wonderful and I find Jayvon in the kitchen. "I hope you don't mind. Since I was so rude earlier, I thought that I would try to make it up to you," he says.

"It's fine. I was just startled, that's all," I say as he sets my small table for us to eat, "Thank you for cooking breakfast." He smiles a breath taking smile at me and tells me it's no problem.

Oddly, I feel comfortable around him. Yet I met him unexpectedly in my bedroom; in my bedroom... I blush.

To change the direction of my thoughts, I ask a couple questions "So are you going to be training me? When will we train?" He looks up from his plate and says, "Yes, I am. We can train whatever time of the day is most convenient for you."

"As long as it is after my library closes," I say. He nods. "Would you be okay with me being your assistant librarian?" he asks. I raise an eyebrow. "That's fine with me. I'm actually in need of someone to fill that position," I reply. He smiles and thanks me.

While he is eating, I study him. He has brown hair, tan skin, and bright blue eyes. He's tall and seems very muscular. He's a very handsome man. He catches me staring and I look down, blushing.

There is a sudden silence, but it is not an awkward one. I look at the clock; time to go. Jayvon seems to notice this too, as he gets up and cleans up our plates. I smile. He seems nice, too.

When we get to the library, I show him around. I show him where his desk is, what he will be doing, where my desk is, and where my office is. But I don't mention my lab, because I'm not a hundred percent sure about him yet. I mean I trusted Jason, and look at who he turned out to be. I sigh. The betrayal hurts.

Nothing interesting happens the entire day and once closing time comes around, we leave. He seems nervous to ask me something so I tell him to spit it out. "I need somewhere to stay," he says, finally. "Well you can stay with me. I won't put you out on the streets... yet... as long as you behave," I say, while smiling. He smiles back and laughs. "Thank you."

"What will you be teaching me?" I ask Jayvon, curiously. "I will tell you everything you need to know about being a book keeper and everything you need to know about the books. Also, I will teach you how to fight," he replies.

I keep hearing that title: the book keeper. But what does that mean? "What does it mean to be a book keeper?" I ask. Jayvon looks at me, "It means that you have been chosen to watch over and protect the books. Those books are highly wanted by criminals and others, so they have to be kept well hidden. That, Aaliyah, is your job."

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