Day 2

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The sunlight from the window touched my face. I sat down on my bed and was cleaning my eyes, closing and opening it, waking myself up for the bright new day. Another new day, I looked beside me and stared at the clock. It's already 6 o'clock in the morning. My work starts at seven. So slowly and calmly, I went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast.

I was walking to the kitchen when I heard a man's voice, specifically a moan. It came from the living room. Instead of heading to the kitchen, I found myself walking towards the living room. The moan, it's still there. But when I entered the room, silence was only there. No one else was. 

It gave me a bit of a fright. But then again, maybe It is just my imagination. I even dreamed about a man standing in front of me while I was sleeping. That's not cool. 

I walked back to the kitchen. When I entered it, I stared and observed at the whole room. I went calmly to the refrigerator. Open it slowly and took an egg and bacon. I was about to turn the stove on when I heard footsteps. Footsteps right behind me. Ok, this is really weird. I faced my back and stared at the empty kitchen side except of course the other things that were normally there. 

Nothing or no one was there. Where did that sound came from? I continued cooking then ate my breakfast. I then went to the comfort room to take a bath and get ready for work. 

I removed my clothes and turned the shower on. What is this house? Well, I haven't heard haunted ones except from the movies. Maybe some thief went in? I heard the news that a prisoner escaped near this street. Maybe he's inside my house?

I used the towel and made myself dry. I covered it around my waist and I silently walked out the comfort room. No one's in my bedroom. Maybe there wasn't a thief? Or Maybe he left the house. I went to the living room and no one was there. But when I looked back, I was shocked upon what I saw. 

There's my footsteps. Who's wet footsteps is that? There were footsteps following mine. I freaked out and went to my bedroom. I hurriedly changed clothes and went out of the house. I walked away from my house and found myself finding a taxi cab. I raised my hands and one stopped in front of me. I hopped in and told the driver where's my stop.

I got to work early. And acted as if nothing happened. I think I should check an Eye-Doctor. Things are becoming double. Am I exposed too much to radiation? Need to lessen my usage of laptop and television.

I entered the office and I sat down on my cubicle. My work starts here.

I threw the folder on top of my table and stretched my hands and legs. I looked at my wrist watch. It's lunchtime, Time flies so fast. I went to the canteen and ate what's on the menu for lunch. 

I returned to my table when I finished my meal. I stretched again. Then, stared at the files I still need to do. I continued working when the time stroke 1 o'clock. When I looked back at my wrist watch it's already five in the afternoon. The time flies so fast. I stood up. Turned off the laptop and packed up and fixed my things.

I rode a cab on my way home. I got home easily because there was no traffic. I entered my house and turned the lights on. I went to my bedroom and changed my clothes. When I heard a "psst" sound. 

I looked around me and ignored it.  Bet I just remembered the trick my officemate usually do to me. He usually do pssts. Pissing me off. Maybe I just got that syndrome. Remembering and imagining things people usually do to me.

After eating supper, I went to the bedroom for the sleep I've been craving for since I got home from work. I lay my body down on the bed and closed my eyes.

Tired yet my eyes opened. Something bothered me. Something bothered my sleep. I looked at the clock beside my bed. It's still three in the morning. I sat down on my bed and looked around. Maybe I'm just thirsty.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen while rubbing my eyes. I was walking when I heard footsteps right behind me. I looked around and the cliche thing happens. No one's there. I walked to the kitchen, faster. 

I calmly opened the fridge and took a pitch of water. Poured some in the glass and returned it. When I faced the door. I saw a shadow of a man reaching out his hand to mine. 

I opened my eyes and thought maybe everything was a dream until I realized I slept on my kitchen's floor. I stood up and looked outside. The bright sun rays entering my house and chirping of birds filled the neighborhood. 

Weird. I scratched my head. I went to my bedroom. Everything's a mess. And when I entered I saw a Man, a monster looking straight at me. The red glowing eyes that you could tell that he hates my presence. A big body built, you could never imagine. He went closer and closer until I found myself running away from him, from it. 

His footsteps were loud, letting me know that he's catching up on me. Until, I opened the door of my house and ran away. He's still there following. Strong rain is pouring down.The vision's blurry. He's catching up until I felt a grip on my ankle, then I felt a painful feeling. I looked down at my ankle. Then, my swollen ankle appeared right in front me. What an incredible force. I fell down and was pulled back to the house. Then everything became dim.

"Sir, you're here."

My eyes immediately opened. What's happening? Is this real? Again? I pinched myself and felt pain. Yea, this is it. I got off the cab and payed the fee, facing my litte comfortable house. How ironic.

I was about to enter my house when I heard a yell. I looked at the neighborhood and saw Sammy running towards me. Then, I saw Mrs. Elizabeth following. I kneeled down and patted Sammy. 

"What ya doin' here buddy?" 

He kept licking my hands and wagging his tail from here to there. 

"I'm sorry Kevin, If Sammy bothered you." 

"Nah. It's ok, Mrs. Elizabeth. I'm not busy anyways. Wanna come in?"

Mrs. Elizabeth stared at the house and calmyly said No, thank you. I stared the same spot where she did. Got curious if she saw something. Something I can't.

"Any problem Mrs.Elizabeth?" 

"No, nothing." She smiled.

"Well, you could always tell me. Any history about this creepy house?" She looked and down.

"There is." 

"What is it?" I heard her mumble but I can't hear it clearly.

"I said. I need to go Kevin. I still need to let Sammy have his bath." She smiled and went off. I looked back at my house and stared at it. Who was the past owner of this house again? I forgot.  I walked to the house and saw the light from the inside turned on and off. So creepy. Plus the creepy clicking. Who's playing with the light? Some kid from the neighborhood?

I opened the door and saw no one. Imaginations are weird. I took off my tie and got myself half-naked walking towards my room. I took off my belt and lay it on my table. I looked outside. It's not raining. And it's very obvious that it's not snowing. But why is it very cold? Especially in my neck. I wrapped my hand on my neck.

I changed my clothes and watched television. Nothing particularly happened. I just sat there staring at the screen. Ignoring the creepy house and its creepy effects.

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