Day 4

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I woke up, remembering the experience I had last night. I blinked my eyes a few times then stared at the ceiling for a moment. I think it's gone. I sighed in relief then walked out of the room. The relief in me evaporated when I saw big footprints. They're very familiar and I really think that the owner of these prints is the monster.

The prints are heading towards the kitchen together with some droplets of blood. I walked slowly towards the kitchen, hoping nothing's there. Hoping nothing would surprise and drag my spirit out of me. But, the creeps is still walking on my body. Like a lice, making my skin hair stand up.

I was near enough to hear the sound from the kitchen, I heard a loud chewing. I then began to wonder who or what is eating or what is the thing eating. Creepy but still, I really want to know.

I walked closer and peaked the inside of the kitchen. I saw the hideous beast eating a furry little fellow. I moved closer to see clearly what is the beast eating. Then, I got frozen in my stand. A furry little fellow, it is. Sammy, the Canine dog of Mrs. Elizabeth.

I got shocked at the horrid scene. All I hear is the chewing and the descending moans of Sammy. I want to fight back but I do know, I stand no chance against this beast. Thinking for a second, I thought of asking for help.

I stepped back to run but, unluckily, I hit the vase beside me that alarmed the hungry monster. I gt scared then, immediately ran after hearing those loud and big footsteps walking out from the kitchen.

I ran as fast as I could until my feet brought me in the bathroom. I went inside and hid behind the shower curtains. Then, silence is the only thing you can hear. I got scared while hiding. Hoping, It won't seek me.

Then, my loud heartbeats filled my ears. My knees are shaking. I want to go away. I want to be safe. I still want to live. I have a child. The droplets of the water keeps me alarmed, hoping it would shut up.

Is it gone? I whispered to myself in the mind. I remembered that there's a window behind me. I'm gonna escape using that. I slowly faced the window until I got full vision of it, clearly. My eyes widened upon seeing the window.

The Monster is on the other side of it, smiling as it's standing there for a very long time. The mouth of the monster moved after.

"Boo!" It whispered. 

I gain myself after staring at it for some minutes then flipped the shower curtains and ran away from it again. I kept on running until I hit something hard. I rubbed my head and saw the figure of the feet in front of me. 

"Don't run. Let's play." I was about to stand up and run but he dragged me. He dragged me into the darkest place in the house.


My eyes widened while catching my breathe. I'm on my bed and the sun has just shone. I'm still alive! The droplets of my sweat kept racing down. Nightmare? I asked myself. I hope so. If not, I think I'm already dead.

I took a bath. Then, prepared. I want to go outside. Meet the neighbors. Ask if this house is something. I walked out of the house, just hearing my footprints. I twisted the knob and got out. This is something.

People are decorating for Christmas. Some are even building snowman. I just realized. It started snowing a few days ago. Why didn't I get to have fun? I exclaimed to myself. Oh I forgot, I'm concealed in the house because of a Monster. Sheesh, what am I? Beauty? Beauty and the beast?

I walked to the street pathway and met Mrs. Elizabeth. I walked faster towards her so the she won't tire herself more. I eventually got near her and helped her sit on a bench.

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