Day 3

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The morning television show woke me up. I rubbed my eyes while trying to sit properly on the couch. I stared at the television for a moment. Then, the show began to stop until it disappeared. It was replaced by the 'annoying grey bees' that I call. I turned it off. Then, stood.

"It's already the sixteenth of December." I whispered to myself.

I was walking to the kitchen to make some breakfast when the television turned on by itself. But this time, the show's back. Then, the show's disappears again leaving the same buzzing grey bees. It did that again and again. Until, I went back to the living room and unplugged it. 

I went to the kitchen with a long sigh and continued making my breakfast. I cleaned after preparing then ate. I was about to take the spoon when I heard something. I put down the spoon then went to the living room and found the television turned on but still the same, no channel. Just the buzzing. 

I walked to the television and saw the unplugged wiring of it. I felt very cold and nervous. The silence of the surrounding is very weird unlike to the past few days. I could even hear my heartbeat. I stood there in silence while staring at the television, which is still buzzing.

I heard foot steps walking slowly towards where I am standing. I stood frozen staring at the door that leads to the kitchen. I heard the foot steps became closer and closer. Until it stopped. The electricity went out. Good thing the sun still is shining. I walked to the kitchen and saw the backyard. I saw something. Maybe a shadow? Something colored black. Not quite sure.

I walked slowly towards the backyard. Then saw a big black dog staring at me. The dog is sitting near the tree and staring at me while gasping. It's sticky saliva drooling. It's yellowish teeth that can be seen from a distance. It's emotion, blank. So scary. It walked slowly towards me until I ran up to my room and saw the dog still chasing me. I closed the door and heard some scratches from the other side.

My right ear heard nothing but silence after a moment. The dog's gone. The scratching's gone. Oh Goodie. Who am I kidding? Still, the creepy atmosphere's still there. I opened the door and saw paw prints all over my house. Still bugs me off, I immediately cleaned the whole floor.


T'was three in the afternoon. I was taking a shower when I heard a laugh. Not from a kid, not from a woman. But from a Man. Weird is t'was echoing in the bathroom. It's like he's in here, watching me while taking a bath. I turned the shower off. Leaving the bathroom, silent. Then, the laugh echoed again. I was turning my head all over the bathroom. Hoping to see a psycho or a gay neighbor. Better to see a human rather than a ghost. Wait, are they real? 

"I can see you." A deep cold voice whispered in my ear. 

My eyes widened upon hearing those words. Words that came nothing but from thin air. I walked out and saw some foot prints. I stared at them for a while. Then, I walked closer. I moved my feet closer to the foot prints and I discovered. They were gigantic. My eyes widened upon the discovery. I tightened my grip on the towel around my waist. Then, walked to my bedroom to put some clothes on. 

I was still walking when I felt a cold grip on my ankle. I stopped then slowly turned my head downwards to check if there's something. I still felt the cold grip yet when I saw my ankles. They were both fine. 


Well, this is weird. I opened my eyes and looked around, checking what happened. I rubbed my head while trying to stand up. I slept in the floor. Note, I was fully naked for the whole time. I stared at my naked body. I examined it in every single angle just to find scratches from here to there.

I immediately grabbed the towel and ran to the bedroom. I changed my clothes. I sat and took some rest for the rest of the time until dinner came. I felt very sick, to cook for myself so I ordered a pizza and soda a few minutes ago.

I took some nap while waiting for my order when I felt something on my stomach. I opened my eyes and sat down on the bed. I looked at the door and saw a shadow moving. My heartbeat began to jump faster and louder. I got this freaky nervous feeling that I always feel when I'm in this house.

I went out of my room and looked around. I saw the shadow entered the bathroom which is some steps away from me. I moved closer to the bathroom. I got closer and closer until I reached its door. I held the knob and was about to twist it when a loud knock on the front door frightened me, 

Instead of going to the bathroom, I went to the Main Door to fetch my dinner.

"Here's the money. Thank you." I gave him the money then brought my order in the living room. I opened my television then made myself comfortable. I opened the pizza box and opened the canned soda. I got a slice of pizza on my hand, and on the other was the remote.

I found difficulty in finding a good channel to watch. So, I decided to let the DVDs feel their role. I inserted one in. A movie I never found time to watch. Good thing, I have enough right now. I just took bite after bite while enjoying the movie. 

I finally finished my supper without any interference. I put away the pizza box and the cans then went immediately to get ready for bed. I first went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then went to the bedroom to change my clothes into comfy ones. I then, went to bed, hoping nothing or no one would disturb. I immediately closed my eyes. I don't want to be awake for the whole night just to experience weird things.

But a half of an hour has passed, I'm still awake. I stayed there calmly closing the eyes for thirty minutes. How fun could that be? Yet silence made me deaf. I opened my eyes then saw a creepy monster facing me. It seems floating just centimeters from me. My heart stopped for a second. My eyes grow wider. 

I definitely saw it. Large red glowing eyes on its scary face with all of its dry scars, wounds, and blood. It was opening its mouth and I saw how sharp its teeth were like it was used to eat bones. It has monstrous skin. And I hope it is not there anymore.

I opened my eyes once more to find out that the thing disappeared. Maybe that was my imagination. I turned my face to the left and saw it smiling at me but this time, it is much  closer. I almost died when it spoke to me.

"I'm still here."

Case 52: The Lost DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now