Last Day

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  • Dedicated to all the readers of this story.

I dragged my backpack, with my things packed inside, to the kitchen. I then prepared for breakfast. The snow's still falling. Still December. Cold but the merriful atmosphere is here. I put the hot choco on top of the table and cooked a sunny side up paired with toasted bread. Need to put on some weight rather than skinning myself out because of this creepy thing.

I passed by a calendar and found out that It's already the Eighteenth of the Month. Christmas is approaching faster than I expected. I should stay with my Parents and daughter until Christmas. I went to the bathroom and turned the shower on after undressing.

I rubbed my body using my soap and closed my eyes for a bit. This might relax me, I thought. I opened my eyes and continued cleaning myself.

"Thug. Thug. Thug." I immediately turned the shower off and listened carefully while staring at the bathroom door. I won't think that that was just my imagination. I better shower faster. I turned the shower on. I froze on my stand. I can feel someone's standing directly beside me.

"Let's play."

Everything went black.


Where Am I? I thought. Everything's dark and "Coughs." dusty. What the? I panicked as I realized I am still naked. I'm still a little wet from Shower. I'm lying on a dusty floor in a dark room, inside my house. But how come I don't know where I am?

I sat down and forced my eyes to see. I kept on moving my hands from left to right on the floor to see if there are things that I can use.

Man, I felt like I am a weak and helpless girl that just got raped and was left alone in an abandoned warehouse. The hell. I thought to myself.

I continued moving my hands and felt something. I picked it up and realized it was a notebook. When I moved my hands, there were letters that were printed on it. How did I know? It was printed like for people who can't see. The letters that bulges.

I flipped the pages up to, I don't know. Then I started to write.

Dear Diary or whatever notebook you are,

I need help.
It's the Eighteenth of December. My neighbor's are very busy. This is my fifth day in my new house. I've been experiencing some weird happenings. Like the one when I washed my dishes and felt someone was staring at me from the backyard. The qother one's when I was about to sleep and heard a phone ringing with same ringtone as mine. I was very nervous because the ringtone I am using is recorded. It's impossible If we have the same ringtone. These things happened only on the first day. The others were worse.
Please help me!
P.S. I'm somewhere in the house. It's dark. I don't know how to get out. I--

I dropped the pen as I felt hands holding my ankles, hands with long nails and rough skin. I got dragged really fast into nowhere. My body hurts because of the friction between me and the floor. I just closed my eyes and tried to calm down. I did not open my eyes.
"Help me!"


"We're now at the crime scene where the said person is missing for weeks. This is the house that he was last seen. No one saw the victim's body. This is quite a mystery of everyone. On the other hand, police are still investigating, whether the victim was disposed or still somewhere in the house. We will give you the latest news, here at Channel 21."

I put the remote aside. "This is an interesting case." I whispered to myself.

"Investigator John, we have a new case in connection to the missing body in the news you've just watched."


Case 52: The Lost DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now